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>From the Financial Times of  4 November.

Opening salvo from Spencer Bachus, a potential Republican chair of the House 
Financial Services Committee, targets bank regulators who seek to curb banks' 
proprietary trading.

Mr. Bachus says that the ban on such trading, known as the Volcker Rule that 
was included in the Dodd-Frank financial reform law will "impose substantial 
costs on the American economy and market participants" while yielding 
"doubtful" benefits. 

Implementation of the rules "may spark a mass exodus of clients from US banks 
to banks based abroad."

Bachus is concerned that shareholders of Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase will 
be hurt because the banks will be less profitable.

Isn't that touching?  Isn't that just so "main street" as opposed to the 
elitist Wall Street pandering of the established Democrats?  Gosh, oh gee 
willikers, the next thing you know, Sarah Palin will writing letters to the MMS 
office demanding that deepwater drilling be allowed to go forth unimpeded by 
those messy, costly, profit-killing safety regulations.  

I'd like to say that a good portion of the American electorate is a bunch of 
suckers and saps, but that would be too generous.  Actually the electorate 
reminds me more of the audience at a World Wrestling Enterprise smackdown-- so 
excited by sight of the steroid juiced goons breaking chairs over each other's 
heads, that they decide to break the chairs over their own heads.
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