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By the objective standards of the International Convention on the
Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid (1973), as well as the
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (2002), Zionist policy
towards the Palestinian populations IS apartheid, as the term is
authoritatively defined. It is no different from the way a particular act
either can be defined as manslaughter or murder under a given body of law,
or cannot. (In criminal cases, of course, there are often shades of gray;
this is much less the case when considering Zionism as a criminal system.)
Zionists often refer to "the apartheid analogy," but this is transparent *
hasbara* and abuse of the English language. Observations of the apartheid
inherent in Zionism are accusations, not analogies.

On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 8:47 PM, Ismail Lagardien <ilagard...@yahoo.com>wrote:

by equating it with apartheid is wrong. apartheid was 'resolved' with
> legislative changes (seriously, trust me, I was there as a journalist for
> every
> single step), the zionists will not stop until there is no single arab in
> their
> midst!!!

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