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On Tue, 7 Dec 2010 12:53:24 +1000 Gary MacLennan
<gary.maclenn...@gmail.com> writes:

I think what has been most striking about the whole
WikiLeaks drama is not the contents of the leaks,
which, so far, seem to contain few surprises, but
rather in the wildly hysterical, over the top, reactions
that have been coming from leaders of the US
and other governments, as well as the sycophantic
corporate media.  Here, in the US, we also have
leading politicians calling for the prosecution of
Mr. Assange for treason, even though he is not
a US citizen, and we even have some pols like
Mike Huckabee who are calling for Assange's
assasination.  The whole thing has the character
of an Orwellian "hate week" event, the upshot
of which will, I think, further discredit all of these
people and institutions.

Perhaps, more importantly, I think the WikiLeaks
drama marks the beginning of the end of the
security state as we have known it , which
began its rise in the Second World War
and achieved hegemonic status during the cold
war.  Up to now, technological developments,
especially those in information technology, seemed
to merely reinforce the power of the security state.
Now, it seems that technology may be working
against the continued viability of the security state,
given that it is now possible for a very low level
bureaucrat, or even a mere clerk, to download
gigabytes of sensitive information and upload it
all on to the Internet.  Even if WikiLeaks itself
should go away, we can expect that there will
be multitudes of new websites that will be doing
much the same thing.

> I don't wish to sound naive here, but I have been wondering how 
> important
> this story is in terms of its impact on the class struggle and 
> world
> politics?  I would be very interested to hear comrades opinions on 
> this.
> The Angry Arab has opined that Lebanese  and Middle East politics 
> have been
> altered fundamentally.

I suspect that the greatest impact will be in places like
the Middle East where a number of governments and
political leaders have been exposed as being two-faced.

> By way of contrast the single mention of Australia so far has 
> resulted in a
> front page endorsement of Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd by the 
> Australian's
> foreign Editor.  Rudd threats against China have endeared him to the 
> Murdoch
> camp it would seem. Whether further leaks will do some damage 
> remains of
> course to be seen.
> So far, if I am right, the leaks show a world dominated by America 
> and with
> non-American politicians engaged a a variety of grovelling and 
> ass-kissing
> gestures. Granted some granted have been pretending to independence. 
>   These
> revelations are hardly surprising, but is there something I am not 
> getting
> here?
> For me the only surprise is that things have turned out as bad as we 
> said
> they were.
> Still what we are possibly seeing is yet another moment in the 
> seemingly
> endless series of crisss of the liberal world view. Tedious as it is 
> to see
> liberals trying and generally succeeding in not awakening to the 
> true nature
> of the world, the leaks might yet prove a leak too far.
> comradely
> Gary
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