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I think there is a confusion in the article. While Amazon no doubt is
a corporate giant and almost a monopoly the rise of ebook publishing
changes the ballgame a lot. Ebookery is larger than the Kindle  and it
is very interesting to see how independent publishers as well as self
publishing has embraced the ebook option. Granted that the Kindle is a
closed format but there nonetheless are many other ebook readers
especially if  the epub format becomes a standard. (that looks

The everyday ipad maybe offers up to a dozen or more free ebook reader
-- other than kindle or ibook -- apps with access to many catalogues.
Those sites still stuck in text format -- and the Marxist Internt
Archive is one example -- are going o be limited by their shallow pdf
offerings and lack of epub options...but it is clear that a transition
is underway -- one that could make 'independent' publishing much more
viable  because it changes the whole distribution equation.

An example is  the ebook catalogue initiative, Reading From the Left


and sites like Scribd --which I use a lot --


offers a new platform for easy distribution of pdf format files.Even
for 'independent publishers' (at a price, of course).

One of the issues the socialist left has to confront is the fact that
its project has been dependent on the hard copy outputs of Modernism
-- especially the printed newspaper --  for so long that publishing to
hard copy is now almost a standard. There is a sequence I think in
Eisenstein's October where the camera pans down and through  huge
stacks of freshly printed newspapers waiting to be distributed to the
propaganda hungry masses.It's a telling moment in the film relAtive to
the intervention of the Bolsheviks.

Well, things have changed and while the transition is very
uncomfortable and a rocky road I think there is enough happening to
suggest that early adopters are going to be  reap the rewards. I mean
it changes the distribution equation  and the old reserve of the 'left
wing bookshop' stuck in some side street in one place is no longer
required protocol. The 'market', technically at least, has expanded
across continents.

While the left has had a long time love affair with pdf  maybe its
time to explore the epub and related file formats at least for text
based books and pamphlets.PDF can be a bit cumbersome on a reader as
there are more bells and whistles on offer from the new formats.

As for 'journals' -- the newspapers et al -- it is a hard call to know
how to proceed. I don't think WSWS or Labour Start have ticked all the
boxes and my web cloud preferences suggest that building consciously
online communities is a preferable way to proceed rather than simply
uploading articles. I also think, unlike WSWS, that it doesn't have to
be either/or -- that hard copy has to continue in the mix.... But I'm
not going to make a ruling as Rupert Murdoch is engaged with the same

I also think that since the web is one big mash up it is much harder
-- nigh impossible -- to sustain by dint of engineering  a strict
editorial line.Online, opinions are all , so a certain open dialectic
has to be put in place. You can see that unfolding on Facebook for
instance in a way that begins to  transcend  elist chat.

But the irony is that since no web place is an island the potential
for aggregating left opinion and discussion, reportage and argument is
very practicable.  The fact that so many socialist enterprises still
pursue a closed discussion suggests how unprepared they are to exploit
the digital universe in the clouds that awaits them...

However, I don't think it is set to be an easy journey.

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