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                                    Henryk Grossman’s ” Law of the 
Accumulation of Capital” and the Internet

"...what is the impact of the accumulation of capital on the process of 
reproduction? Can the equilibrium which is presupposed be sustained in 
the long run or do new moments emerge in the course of accumulation 
which have a disruptive effect on it?"
Henryk Grossman "Law of the Accumulation and Breakdown of the Capitalist 
System. 1929.  P67.

Grossman's supposition (following Marx' analysis in Capital Vl 3 Chapter 
XV Section 3) asserts that in advanced capitalism a disjunction occurs 
when the growth of the constant capital relative to the surplus produced 
by it (s/C) leads to a falling rate of profit and an eventual breakdown 
of the system as the amount of surplus produced  in not sufficient to 
meet the investment needs.

Excerpt from Business Week's article "Will Video Kill the Internet, 
Too."  12-6-2010.   P43-4
(Curiously, the on-line version is entitled:  "Will Netflix Kill the 

"AT&T (T 
and Comcast (CMCSA 
will see Internet revenues grow by 5 percent a year through 2020. 
Meanwhile, traffic will surge by 27 percent annually, and carriers will 
need to increase their investments by 20 percent a year to keep up with 
demand. By this math, the carriers'     business models break down in 
2014, when the total investment needed exceeds revenue growth."

In addition, there is this interesting tidbit on the second page 
on-oline P44 print):

"Sanford C. Bernstein (AB 
analyst Craig Moffett has studied the issue from the perspective of the 
wireless carriers. As traffic soars, he expects the revenue per megabit 
to fall from 43 cents today to just 2 cents in 2014.”

Here, the curious business propensity (think oil companies) to reckon 
profit on the ratio of return from the circulating capital.  In this 
case, the 'information packages' (i.e. movies, downloads, etc) are seen 
effectively as the circulating capital (v).  This all akin to a 
capitalist commodity merchant reckoning his rate of profit (P') by his 
margin on each good sold.

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