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Fred Feldman wrote:

An ordinary citizen like myself may sometimes get harassed
to do jury duty, but never grand jury duty. That is for those the
prosecutors trust. There have been revolts of the juries from time to time,
but never (as far as I know) revolts of the grand juries. They indict those
whom they are asked to indict.
This may be true in some abstract sense, but wouldn't be true in my own 
experience. First, I was called for a grand jury in New York City and, 
as a self-employed worker, I couldn't take off for the perhaps lengthy 
period of a grand jury (weeks or months).
     Second, a year ago I received a notice of grand jury service in my 
rural county (entirely consisting of an Indian reservation, one of two 
such in the country). There is a lot of crime in this county, and I 
looked forward to serving. I was not called once before the term of the 
grand jury expired.

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