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I am going to give a talk to a Chinese delegation.  I have to write up 
the talk in advance for the participants to have a translation to read.

Any comments would be appreciated.

China presents a curious contradiction.  Your country sees herself as a 
socialist state, yet the influence of Western, capitalist-oriented 
economics in the universities seems to be pervasive.  Here in the United 
States, many people put great stock in what the economists have to say. 
  Part of this authority comes from academic credentials; part comes 
from economists' ability to talk in pseudo-scientific terms.

Yet, this style of economics has left a trail of failures for decades, 
culminating in the present economic crisis.  In my book, The 
Confiscation of American Prosperity: From Right-Wing Extremism and 
Academic Economics to the next Great Depression, which came out just as 
the stock market peaked in 2007, I predicted that terrible consequences 
were sure to follow policies that academic economists were promoting. 
Fortunately, a Chinese translation is in the works.

More at:


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA


530 898 5321
fax 530 898 5901

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