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I'm surprised Louis has allowed this troll to haunt the list as long as he
has. I was grateful for the valuable information that he provided about the
French strikes and told him as much, but he has more than made up for it
with his dogmatic, anarchist rants that I'm glad to see are generally
offensive to the sensible majority of the list.

It is particularly nice to hear of his respect for the ECHR, which like the
proletarian Sarkozy government and their American counterparts, are
determined to defend the inherently secular working-class from the
burqa-clad threat of Islam, whether judicially or with drones and gunships.

As a former a Christian fundamentalist - though fortunately not of the
putrid, right-wing variety - I am glad that Marxism steered me away from a
brief but understandable antitheism, which I came to see as nothing more
than middle-class hostility toward the poor, duped masses who need religion
as an opiate for the soulless, heartless world they find themselves trapped
in. While I don't think this is an overreaction, I do find myself
particularly offended when faced with poisonous attacks on working-class
people, whether coming from the right or 'left.'
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