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Jay said: "Comrades: While we have been so focused on the mental state of Jared 
Loughner, we've been missing out on some important developments in the Arab 
World, where the masses have toppled a regime in Tunisia and food protesters 
have taken to the streets en masse in Jordan."

I am sure many here have been multi-tasking  and following these events while 
debating whether a should-be mental patient is part of a rightist reaction or a 
convenient excuse for the Lesser-Evils to call for "civility"--read moving even 
further to the right than they already are. However, I have found it amazing to 
see so much energy and intellectual "capital" expended over that issue; in its 
own way, an example that the LEDs' strategy of obfuscation and justification is 
being successful. Comparisons of the Presidential sophistry in Arizona to the 
mass movement memorials to Evers, King, and others in the past are just one of 
these--seriously, I believe comparing Obama, the Democrats, and Republicans 
politicizations with memorials to assassinated mass movement leaders no matter 
how telling are an insult to the veritable fighters for social justice. And 
THAT contribution was among the best!

I'm not sure if you meant it in this way, Jay, but I do thank you for pointing 
up the patently ridiculous "analysis" of Loughner and related issues of mental 
incapacity under capitalism as juxtaposed to veritable calamities and real 
crimes being shoved under the rug in the name of "civility of discourse". If 
ever there was a time for Marxists/Revolutionists to be uncivil, it is now.

Who knows, maybe we'll be getting back to more substantive issues that have 
been overshadowed by a collective water-cooler discourse on whether it is good 
to be civil or uncivil (I vote for the latter), whether a nut is a racist or 
just a nut, and crying "foul" that the President would use this event in the 
predictable and inevitable way that it has been used.
Really appreciate Marce Cameron's blogs, btw. Cuba's "socialist renewal" is 
just what I needed to pick up the pieces. Mercí, compañero
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