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> A very good summary with the expected boilerplate about the need for a
> revolutionary party.

I agree.  This is one of Woods' best pieces, I think. I read Richard
Seymour's analysis and again I thought it was very good. Richard linked to
Brian Whitaker whose latest post got mired in legal and constitutional
questions to such an extent that I began to think he must be Australian.
Some of his earlier posts were much better.

Juan Cole's piece was also a must read and the Angry Arab, although rather
crypitic is a good litmus test of the thinking of the secular Arab Left.

I am extremely  interested in the timing of these events.  We are or were on
the cusp of another confrontation between Israel and Hezbollah. The US has
been using the Hariri tribunal to prepare for the launch of a civil war
situation which will provide an excuse for an Israeli attack. This is
probably in strategic terms an attempt to put pressure on Syria and also to
remove the Hezbollah rocket threat in the event of an Israeli/US attack on

The problem is that such an eventuality depends on the continued existence
of the dictatorial Arab regimes and that same existence is precisely what
the Tunisian Revolution has called into question.

So it looks like a case of 'bad timing'. While the US has been carefully
getting its set of ducks in a row, history looks like it might have taken a
giant leap. The best laid schemes of mice and imperialists gang aft agley it
would seem.


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