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For me this rejection of tribalism takes two forms, one negative, the
other positive. I do not feel exclusively Jewish. Also, even if I did, I
would never claim the superiority of the Jewish religion over other
religions. I have felt uncomfortable since childhood with biblical claims,
often repeated in contemporary social settings, that Jews are ‘the chosen
people’ of God even if this is understood benevolently and temporally as a
special destiny associated with doing justice rather than as a matter of
societal achievement via wealth and professional success. As soon as
exclusivity or superiority is claimed for any ethnic or religious fraction
of the human whole, there is implicitly posited a belief in the
inferiority of ‘the other,’ which unconsciously and indirectly gives rise
to the murderous mentality of warfare and gives a moral and religious edge
to many forms of persecution, culminating in a variety of inquisitions.

full: http://richardfalk.wordpress.com/2011/01/15/on-jewish-identity/

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