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Chomsky is a person of great personal and political integrity.

His respectful call for the immediate and unconditional release
of these two people, and, even more, his declaration that he is
willing to testify on their behalf should their case come to a
trial, is an indication of the importance Chomsky places on the
need to speak out about this case.

While I don't know anything about these two, I am willing to 
defer to Noam Chomsky on this, and think it's silly for others
who also know either little or nothing about this specific case
to revile Chomsky over this through the Internet. 

The bottom line is a crudely transparent effort to imply that
Chomsky, by speaking out on this specific case, is in essence,
collaborating with the CIA. 

In the absence of meaningful specific information about this
particular case, the best thing to do is to simply shut up.

Walter Lippmann
Los Angeles, California
Chomsky entirely misses the point...All I have said is that 
there are without question SOME PEOPLE who are collaborating 
with the U.S. government and the CIA in an attempt to overthrow 
the Iranian government, both Iranian and non-Iranian, and that 
some of those are no-doubt "progressives", and that, as a result, 
Chomsky's claim that the three hikers must be innocent because, 
after all, they were social justice activists doesn't hold water.


     Los Angeles, California
     Editor-in-Chief, CubaNews
     "Cuba - Un ParaĆ­so bajo el bloqueo"

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