> Anyhow to the question. I am looking for some data to refute allegations
> that Stalin and Mao were responsible for x number of murders. Are there
> good places to start looking? Books? Or are people here capable of
> emailing stuff from their heads.
> Le meas,
> DoC.


"The Soviet Experiment" by Ronald Grigor Suny - Oxford University Press 1998, 
has for a while been my standard text on Soviet history and Stalin's 
so-called crimes and murders. I do recall a clash of opinion concerning China 
Chairman Mao alleged murders between Henry C.K. L, myself and Lou P, with Lou 
taking basic Trotskyite positions that Mao murdered everyone. 

Somewhere in MLL archives I kicked off a quick series of articles about the 
Soviet Union that contains some of the data from the aforementioned book. 

Recently, I purchased and read Barry Sheppard's "The Party: Volume 1" on the 
Socialist Workers Party 1960-1980 and consider this book an excellent 
summation of the inner logic of American Trotskyism. The was a review of this 
book on 
Marxism list and Pen-L and I have been considering writing a review for MLL. 
Barry's "The Party" is a mockery of American history and a fundamental 
distortion and misunderstanding of the 1960s and 1970s political climate in 
and gives insight into the ideology of political Trotskyism. 

Every fundamental political juncture in American history since the 
magnificent struggle in Montgomery, Alabama, broke out December 4, 1955, is 
omitted and absent as determining the form of the proletarian social revolution 
America. In America the question of Stalin was fought out on the basis of 
African American Liberation and Social Revolution since the 1928, Comintern 
document on the matter, rather than theoretical dispute over the issue of 
revolution. The permanence of social revolution, as driven by the spontaneous 
quantitative and qualitative changes in the material power of production and 
what this means for social revolution in America and the world, was 
fundamentally clarified by the communist within the Stalin polarity during the 
1980s and early 1990s. 

Melvin P.  

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