It was also intended to counter his misconception that he or anyone should 
not criticize the US communist movement.  This line of thinking is incorrect 
because only based on our criticism can we determine the correctness or 
incorrectness of any given movement as you yourself exemplified in your 
criticism.  My 
comments were to encourage criticism to determine the correctness of a given 
political line although my focus in that message was not quite necessarily 
criticism of the US communist movement in general but specifically along the 
of the failure to understand the dialectical nature of how US fascism is 
developing and does in fact exist in the US.  It is an error for any communist 
say fascism does not exist because it does not exist in the mold characteristic 
of classical fascism.  US fascism may never take on all of the 
characteristics of classical fascism because the contradictions have given rise 
to newly 
developed conditions that will determine its own mold and characteristics just 
you have noted this in relation to the newly emerging class of proletarians 
in society today. <<< 


I favor the broadest criticism of the communist movement in America, by 
communists outside America and deeply feel we communists in America should be 
extremely careful in our assessment of the world outside America. My personal 
inclination is to error on the side of saying nothing in respects to the world 
communist movement. 

Our status as the most imperial of all imperial workers means we must keep in 
mind our impact on the various political polarities in which we operate. Our 
criticism must and should always be sincere and use concrete examples drawn 
from our daily life experience; history of shifting class alignments in our 
country; pinpoint the various modes of struggle of our laboring classes against 
capital aggression and highlight the subjective and political boundaries we 
faced over the course of the last 150 years. 

The issue of fascism as a historical economic and political mode of operation 
of capital rule has confounded the American mind. Our history has run in a 
somewhat different political mode than "European history" and at a more dynamic 
pace as a trajectory of industrial development.  That is to say I have a 
concept of world industrial development as a curve of history.  In America our 
historically distinct form of the emergence of modern imperialism (financial 
industrial capital imperial rule), occured on a wave of events in front of 

Modern American imperialism is different from the imperialism of the Slave 
Oligarchy with its insatiable need for territory (land mass) as capital 
and production relations in land. The actual mechanics of slave production of 
commodities - tobacco and cotton, meant capital expansion was directly 
related to how much land was brought under cultivation, rather than say the 
intensive development of industrial implements, which increase the productive 
of labor in industry. 

Pardon the following economic summation but comrade outside America have 
extreme difficulty in understanding our history and the Marxist approach of a 
section of American communists to it. 

Slave labor requires increasingly large gangs of slaves and massive expansion 
into futile soil, due not simply to soil depletion but the law of capitalist 
reproduction on an expanding scale. Here is the contradiction internal to the 
plantation system. This means the slave mode of the laboring process itself 
stands in antagonism to capital expansion. The slave master understood this 
contradiction and antagnoism  - economic law of the value producing system, but 
could not as a class liquidate his capital in slaves to modernize his 
forces before modern productive forces appeared, even if he subjectively 
desired to do so. 

The inability to resolve this contradiction is what compelled the slave 
oligarchy to convert states like Maryland and Virginia, which had employed 
on the production of export articles, into states that raised slaves in order 
to export these slaves into the deep South, as the plantation system attempted 
to expand into new territories. Marx clarity and summary of this economic law 
is to the point: "A strict confinement of slavery within its old terrain, 
therefore, was bound according to economic law to lead to its gradual 

This process logic is as close as American history has come to something akin 
to the closed colonial system characteristic of Europe. Modern imperialism is 
dated from roughly the 1900s to the outbreak of WW I - 1914, but events in 
America witnessed the emergence of a form of modern financial imperialism - 
the financier as dominator, in front of the curve. 

The logic of our history is different and peculiar but not an exception to 
the general law of society described by Marx or the general body politics of 
Third International - during that period of time. 

European fascism led by its aggressive German form is associated with the 
industrial sector of capital for some concrete reasons that involves a 
historically distinct stage of capital imperialism as the closed colonial 
system. Again 
- the only political phenomenon similar to this in our history is the period 
of the Slave Oligarchy leading up to the Civil War. 

The actual history of American fascism and its material rule within the 
American Union is bound up with the rise of Wall Street imperialism on the 
of/as the defeat of the Slave Oligarchy and then the counterrevolution in the 
Deep South. Fascism in American history as a political phenomenon is not 
directly related to the rule of industrial capital as the leading component of 
financial capital expansion or the closed colonial system. German fascism of 
Hilterism sought direct colonies as appendages to their industrial 
infrastructure as 
a basis to enlarge their military capacity for the attack on Bolshevism. 

The communist of my hue have always pointed out that European fascism as a 
social phenomenon was the direct result and reaction of the European 
to the October Revolution. The various Trotskyite trends and imperial 
bourgeois leftist relate European fascism to the rise of Stalin and Stalinism 
this is not true at all. The polarity that became European fascism was directly 
related to the victory of Bolshevism in 1917 and the curve of defeat of the 
German Revolution before the death of Lenin. 

Something very different happened in America during the 1890s that birthed 
the worlds first fascist movement and fascists victory that would later be 
copied by Hitler to the "tee."  The victory of fascism in the South during the 
1890s was related not to the demand logic of industrial capital but the 
logic of the alliance between Wall Street imperialism and the old Slave 
Oligarchy and the need to subdue the revolutionary outpouring released as the 
War and emancipation of millions of slaves. The class demands of the freemen 
was to break up the large plantations and construct a modern bourgeois order 
and this impulse could not be contained by the Northern Yanks. 

It is true that aggressive American fascism in our history could not and did 
not assume the military form characteristic of German fascism, but operated 
primarily as an organization of extralegal organizations buttressed and 
protected by the state. Nor was American fascism related to the industrial 
sector of 
our capital whose pre and Civil War program was in alignment with Jeffersonian 
democracy and supplying the implements for the growth of the family farmers. 

It was the rule of Wall Street imperialism - (financial and industrial 
capital led by the financial bourgeoisie seeking penetration of the markets of 
closed colonial system), in political alignment with the shattered Slave 
Oligarchy that overthrew the legal bourgeois democratic Reconstruction era 
governments of the South. While fascism on European soil was most certainly 
related to 
the industrial sector of capital as the closed colonial system - hence its 
internal military form, this was not true in America. 

In America the Southern armies of reaction were defeated on the battle field 
and not allowed to regroup as a legal military organization. The Southern army 
was horribly shattered and the South laid in ruin. This shattered army of men 
became so much riif raff, armed ruffians, bandits or mutherfucking "Jay 
Hawkers."  Groups like the Ku Klux Klan was so much of this scum of the earth 
regrouped as a military strike force against the Reconstruction governments. 

Here is how we described the political phenomenon of fascism as American 
history 30 years ago: 

"Some of the fascist characteristics of the counter revolution were: (1) it 
conformed to the description of being the "open terrorist dictatorship of the 
most reactionary, most chauvinistic and most imperialist elements of finance 
capital."  (2) "The accession to power of fascism is not an ordinary succession 
of one bourgeois government by another, but a substitution of one state form 
of class domination of the bourgeoisie - bourgeoisie democracy, for another 
form - open terrorist dictatorship." (3) "Fascism come to power as a party of 
attack on the revolutionary movement of the proletariat, on the masses of the 
people who are in a state of unrest; yet it stages its accession to power as a 
revolutionary movement against the bourgeoisie on behalf of the whole nation. 

"What made up the fascist character of the counter revolution was not simply 
its brutality or violence, but the fact that the 'revolt of the poor whites' 
cloaked itself in the mantle of saving the South. The fascist led 'revolt' was 
the absolute agent of finance capital of the North. The counterrevolution 
attacked and overthrew the Reconstruction bourgeois democratic governments. 
the fascist substituted a reign of terror as the new state form of domination 
. . .. In the Anglo American nation (North - M.P.) the capitalist in the main 
relied on deception, bribery and fraud - in short on bourgeois democracy. This 
was not the case in the Black Belt! Here, the rule of finance capital was 
maintained by an unheard of reign of terror, legal and extra legal, both by 
police and the KKK." 

Page 39 

"A political force, constructed and funded by finance capital, which 
overthrows a legal bourgeois democratic government and substitutes as a state 
form the 
open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, most chauvinistic 
elements of finance capital is called fascist. Such a political state we call 
fascism. "

(Negro National Colonial Question by Nelson Peery - 1972 edition hardback. ) 

The black and white masses were locked down under a fascist form of state 
rule in the South, that did not undergo fundamental collapse and 
until the 1950's under the impact of the magnificent struggle that broke out 
in Montgomery Alabama. This struggle took shape and accelerated on the basis of 
the mechanization of agriculture and the liquidation of 11 million s
harecroppers as a class - 5 million black and 6 million white. Changes in the 
productive forces - mechanization of agriculture, were the basis for the old 
South to 
leap forward in its social relations. 

The impulse to revolutionize production as a tendency of expanding value took 
place in the context of the world wide polarity with Soviet Power. This post 
WW II polarity conditioned the struggle in America and provided our class and 
diverse peoples with a "breathing space" we no longer possess. 

What we are experiencing today is an increasingly reactionary bourgeoisie 
democracy attempting transition to a fascist state form of rule. The 
between a reactionary bourgeois democracy and outright fascism is the 
distinction in the rising and falling wave of the German Revolution that was 
assassination of Rosa Luxembourg and Karl L. versus Hitler's consolidating 
and imperial assaults to regain Germany's imperial throne.

In my estimate the American peoples and our working class are not going to 
accept a fascists military form of rule because that runs counter to our 
and huge fissures in the military establishment are already apparent. A small 
section of the military and believe it or not, intelligence is hostile to 
fascism as a political form of rule. 

Yet, the material logic of our ruling class is to scare the crap out of the 
peoples of America and attempt to treat them as the slaves of the pre-Civil War 
era and make them stand in fear. A complex struggle unfolds impacting all of 
society where you have the Senate's senior Constitutional scholar, Senator 
Robert Byrd of West Virginia equating Bush political program to Hitler's 
fascists legislation through the Reichstag. 

We have enough material in our own history to explain and describe the 
current moment in history and our political currents in details rather than 
Marxist formula. 



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