Twenty Thousand March in Tel-Aviv Against Mccarthyism, Racism and Fascism 
Communist Party of Israel January 15, 2011 
Twenty thousands of activists, Jews and Arabs, from left-wing movements,  
parties and human rights organizations march in Tel Aviv on Saturday (January 
15, 2001) in protest of the Knesset's decision to set up a committee of  
inquiry to probe the funding sources of human rights movements. 
The protest march, under the headline "Demonstration 
(since it's still  possible) for democracy", left from Tel Aviv's Meir 
Park, in front of the Likud  headquarters, toward the plaza in front of the Tel 
Aviv Museum of Art, where a  rally take place in which Knesset members from 
Hadash, Kadima and Meretz as well  as officials from Peace Now and human 
rights groups deliver speeches. 
Protesters chanted in support of democracy and free speech and against  
racism and fascism, and carried hundreds of red flags and signs with slogans  
such as "Jews and Arabs together against Fascism", "Awaiting Democracy", 
"Danger  - End of Democracy Ahead!", "Fighting the Rightist Government of 
Darkness" and  "Democracy is Screaming for Help".  Among the MKs taking part in 
the event  were Dov Khenin (Hadash), Afo Agbarie (Hadash), Meir Sheetrit 
(Kadima), Hanna  Swaid 
(Hadash), Nitzan Horowitz (Meretz) and Mohammad Barakeh 
(the  Chairman of Hadash, the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality - 
Communist  Party of Israel). 
MK Horowitz inveighed against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense 
 Minister Ehud Barak, whom he said were "supporting Lieberman's incitement 
and  encouraging racist legislation in the Knesset".  "Tonight we are 
telling  the Labor Party that it is a full partner of the most racist 
in state  history, and that they must leave it immediately," he said. 
Peace Now Secretary-General Yariv Oppenheimer said at the rally that Israel 
 was suffering not only from the Iranian threat but also from the 
"Liebermanian  threat". 
Hadash Chairman Barakeh said, "We are at a dangerous crossroads where  
democracy is concerned. Democracy is collapsing, not because of Lieberman but  
because of the support he is receiving from the prime minister. Jews and 
Arabs  who care about democracy cannot fail at this time. Anyone who wishes to 
know the  power of the people can look to Tunisia". In the same vein he 
added, "The  victory of the people in Tunis over cruel dictatorship teaches us 
that  oppression is not the fate of mankind and the people can win." 
MK Sheetrit denounced Foreign Minster Avigdor Lieberman's proposal to probe 
 the funding sources of human rights organizations. 
"If such legislation is passed, it will be like taking a brick out of the  
wall of democracy. I am surprised that Likud members support this. It's 
simply  shameful that they can sit in a government that makes such a proposal," 
he said. 
MK Khenin said during the protest that "the thousands of people who are  
here understand that our democracy needs protection against its destroyers. We 
 are voicing a clear voice in support of human rights and democracy, and 
against  racism, fascism, McCarthyism and future destruction of the democratic 
values. We  will continue to fight for democratic rights, freedom of 
speech, equal rights  for Jews and Arabs and the end of the occupation." 
List of participating organizations in the Emergency rally 
Hadash (the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality) // Communist Party of  
Israel // ACRI (Association For Civil Rights in Israel // Meretz // New 
Israel  Fund // Peace Now // The Kibbutz Movement // The Progressive Movement 
// The  Green Movement // Physicians for Human Rights // The Geneva 
Initiative //  Ha'Shomer Ha'tzair // Yisrael Hofshit (Free Israel) // Coalition 
Women for  Peace // Public Committee Against Torture // Yesh Gvul // 
Shutafut/Sharakah -  Organizations for a Shared, Democratic and Egalitarian 
Agenda, The  Abraham Fund, Negev Institute - NISPED, Sikkuy, Kav Mashve, 
Keshev, Shatil  //  Gush Shalom  // Yesh Din // Almuntada Altakadumi - The 
Progressive  Circle in Ar'ara // Negev Coexistence Forum // Peace NGO's  Forum 
//  Amnesty International Israel // Banki-Shabiba - Young Communist League // 
Hagada  Hasmalit Alternative Cultural Center in Tel-Aviv // Tandi - 
Democratic Women's  Movement //  Parents Circle - Families Forum // Social 
for Peace  and Social Welfare // Arab Movement for Renewal // Mossawa Centre 
- the Advocacy  Center for Arab Citizens in Israel // Adalah - the Legal 
Center for Arab  Minority Rights in Israel // Yesh Din - Volunteers for Human 
Rights //   Machsom Watch // Tarabut-Hithabrut // Rabbis for Human Rights // 
Ir Amim // Maan  - Workers' Advice Center // Daam - Workers Party // 
Syndianna Galilee for Fair  Trade //  Israeli Children // Campus Le'Kulanu - 
Students Movement,  the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and Haifa University 
// ASSAF - Aid  Organization for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Israel // 
ICAHD - The Israeli  Committee against House Demolitions // Social TV // 
Socialist Struggle // Labor  Party Young Guard // HAMOKED - Center for the 
Defense of the Individual // BINA  - Center for Jewish Identity, Hebrew Culture 
and Social Justice // AIC -  Alternative Information Center // Our Heritage - 
The Charter for Democracy // 
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