Nelson Peery Entering an Epoch of Social Revolution 
Including additional essays "Dialectics of the Leap and the Destruction of  
Capitalism" and... "Polarization in U.S. -- Basis for a Workers Party" 

(c) Copyright April, 1993 Workers Press P.O. Box 3705 Chicago, IL  60654
The prestige of Lenin, the urgent calls of the new international communist  
movement for unity of the revolutionary forces in the USNA were the basis 
for  the formation of the CPUSA. The ideology of the founding organizations 
was  anarcho-syndicalism and a right- wing revision of Marxism. Organizations 
or  people cannot simply adopt an ideology. They either keep the one they 
have or  they change it quantitatively in relation to experience and 
intellectual  development. The CPUSA adopted Marxist-Leninist terms. They kept 
anarcho-syndicalism and revisionism. 
Syndicalism is a form of trade unionism with the aim of workers owning the  
means of production and distribution. Its final goal is the control of 
society  by federated bodies of industrial workers. The major weapon of 
syndicalists is  the general strike.[12] 
Anarchism is the doctrine urging the abolition of governmental restraints  
or of the government itself as the condition for full social and political  
liberty.[13] In the USNA, anarchism arose from the petty bourgeoisie in its  
struggle against the robber barons. It early on united with syndicalism 
from the  immigrant European workers to become anarcho-syndicalism. 
The revolutionary process in 1919 was entering the stage of unionization of 
 the industrial proletariat. The working class members of the new Communist 
Party  came directly from the syndical movement and brought their ideology 
with  them.[14] The revolutionary upsurge engulfing the world did not allow 
time for a  principled unity. The great need was to unite the revolutionary 
movement based  on practical activity. They would pay the price later. 
The CPUSA grew with the growth of the industrial unions and after its  
isolation during the late 1940s it simply transferred its syndicalism to the  
mass struggle. There were new slogans but they had the same syndicalist 
content.  Instead of calling for one big union the call was for national unity 
under a  Roosevelt coalition, all-class black unity, unity of the unions -- 
everything in  the name of unity. It never recognized the existence of the 
Lacking Marxist theory, the CPUSA transformed the objective demand for  
revolutionary unity into a slavish tailing behind whoever was temporarily in  
control of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU). This final crisis 
of  the CPUSA evolved as the industrial stage of the USSR began to transform 
and  Soviet society, economics and politics were thrown into antagonism. 
The CPUSA cannot explain to its membership why the Soviet government is  
doing things that are against the interests of the world's workers. Their 
Party  arose from an ideological tendency that limited them to a certain stage 
of  history. They are adrift. Like the old soldiers of "The Barracks Ballad," 
they  will now begin to fade away. 

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