Every laboring class in human history has been stamped - imprinted, by the  
specific state of development of productive forces, expressed in the 
concrete  division of labor in society. Hence, an industrial working class. 
Class is larger than property - owners and non owners, or the basic groups  
working the means of production and those owing the means of production. 
Classes  are also large concrete groups in society created by and 
corresponding to  specific means of production and its division of labor. 
No one dismisses the property aspect or property signature of class. The  
reason the industrial worker was proletariat is property, bourgeois property 
or  wage labor, but he was "industrial." 
In an era of revolution in the means of production the material shape of  
the working class begins transformation. 
"A class is defined by the ownership of property," treats class in its  
abstract setting rather than walking on two legs; a). historical -concrete, and 
 b). abstract - property  form without regard to division of labor.  

Guess, I be around for two more months. 

II.  Lenin 
"Classes are large groups of people differing from each other by the place  
they occupy in a historically determined system of social production, by  
their  relation (in most cases fixed and formulated in law) to the means of  
production,  by their role in the social organization of labor, and,  
consequently, by the  dimensions of the share of social wealth of which  they 
dispose and the mode of  acquiring it. Classes are groups of people  one of 
which can appropriate the  labor of another owing to the different  places they 
occupy in a definite system  of social economy." -Lenin, LCW  29:421 
1). "Classes are large groups of people 
2). differing from each other  
3). by the place they occupy in a historically determined system of social  
4). by their relation (in most cases fixed and formulated  in  law) to the 
means of production, 
5). by their role in the  social  organization of labor, 
6). and, consequently, by the dimensions  of the share  of social wealth of 
which they dispose and the mode of  acquiring it. 
7).  Classes are groups of people one of which can  appropriate the labor 
of another  owing to the different places they occupy  in a definite system 
of social  economy." 
-Lenin, LCW 29:421

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