Ruzveltova 27/III
F.R. Yugoslavia
tel/fax : ++381 (0)11 752-385
- March 2001 -
I Educate system in Serbia is in long time crisis. That crisis is caused by poor country, because of wars on territory of former Yugoslavia, and which is consequence of aggressive nationalistic policy. State, in which is educate system, is reflection of state in which is society. Crisis in which is this system is so deep that for two years schools work with two thirds of working time. After the breaking of Milosevic's regime and according to promises of DOS (Democratic Opposition of Serbia), employees in educate system wait for improvement of their position. But, their hopes are betrayed and employees run one more strike.
 Employees in educate system are divided between many unions, from which one is under influence of former government, and rest are under influence of new government. This new strike approved that DOS is not capable to fight with social problems of this country. Position of DOS on strike is most obvious in arrogant ultimatum of President of Government of Republic Serbia, Zoran Djindjic. This strike is just a beginning of social unrest's that would happen in Serbia, in which we expect biggest fall of social standard because of transition that would take a place.
II Returning of Yugoslav Army into security zone on border with Kosovo, show hypocrisy and weakness of so called International community. After the war on Kosovo it is not solved a problem of inter-national relationship, so that returning of YA does not represent victory of Yugoslav diplomacy, as it is called on media in Serbia. That is a sign that imperialists, lead by forces of NATO which are present on Kosovo, can't and won't to solve this problem on right way.
 Partija rada is for full demilitarisation of area on south of Serbia, since that is the best way for eliminating of danger of new clashes.
III Partija rada consider non-acceptable that Headquarter of YA alone brings decisions about reorganisation of army and about how long military service would be (in F. R. Yugoslavia military service is 12 months, for all under 18). After bloody wars on Balkan it is obvious need to short a time for military service, but that is also a question in which must be active most part of population.
 By this move, HQ tried to prevent demands for radical change of role that YA have, and to prevent demands for important shorter of time served in YA.
 Partija rada supported demands of anti-war organisations for 7 months long military service.
IV More than five months we have a battle for bare lives of our Comrades that are in Turkish prisons. We express our deepest solidarity with them, and in the same time we call upon all truly left and revolutionary Comrades that in their surroundings take actions of solidarity with prisoners.
V In Serbia, as well as in whole Europe, is obvious strengthening of fascistic groups, which are, more or less, connected with the State. These groups represent best proof of crisis in which contemporary capitalism entering.
 In Serbia came to grooving of violence by right-wing groups. During this month they violently broke in office of SDU (Social Democrat Union) in Belgrade, and number of attacks on Gypsies arose. These events show dangerous of nationalistic policy and propaganda to which this country was exposed last ten years. Unfortunately, in Serbia we didn't have clash with nationalism. Partija rada believe that against right-wing violence we must fight by all means.
International Department of CC PR

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