Whats wrong with calling Castro a dictator or Stalin a mass murderer? These
sound like fairly accurate statements to me. Fidel turned a popular
revolution into a cult of personality, and we wont even mentioned Stalin's

Thats the problem with the left today, we feel we have to idolize any
individual who has reflected our views at all. When in reality these are
just normal people, flawed and egocentric. (thats what i would say about
Castro anyway, for fear of being shunned from the list I wont talk about how
Stalin bastardized everything lennin stood for)

Preparing for the onslaught,


> Message: 8
> From: "hkb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [MLL]Weekly Worker 376 (21/3/01)
> Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 07:36:32 +0100
> charset="iso-8859-1"
> The Weekly Worker is NOT the paper of the Communist Party Of Great
> but of a tiny Trotskyite sect which (mis)uses the name. It's paper, the
> Weekly Wrecker is famous soley for being no more than a fractional gossip
> sheet for the Left in the UK.
> They call for the violent overthrow of Cuba's socialist system and
> Fidel Castro as a "Dictator" and describe Stalin as a "mass murderer".
> During the NATO war against Yugoslavia, the Weekly Worker were vocal in
> their support for the KLA - even printing an interview with a KLA
> at the height of the war and calling for "Victory To The KLA"!
>  After the recent bombing of Iraq they gave tacit approval to this
> action on the front-page of their paper. And during the CIA coup in
> Yugoslavia they ran with the fron-page headline "TRY MILOSOVIC".
>  Ian Donovan, a leading Weekly Worker 'ideologist' who penned the article
> mentioned below on Macedonia, openly boasts that he considers Communists
> be the same as Hitlers Nazi's and regularly describes anyone who opposes
> NATO imperialism as "Red/Brown" and liberally throws in accusations of
> communist "anti-semitism" and "mass murder".
>  And to top it all off, the Weekly Worker are open advocates of the
> lagalisation of peadophilia and heroin.
> Don't believe me? It's all available on their website (see below).
> J.

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