> Those weapons are only useful if they WORK... Nuclear Weapons are more
for political intimidation rather than actual tactical use... Same goes
with laser-guided missiles. They only work under perfect enviromental
conditions, meaning clear weather. If the weather is terrible, the laser
breaks up and the bomb goes from "smart" to "dumb"... The Iraqis in many
cases successfully disrupted US bombing missions by setting fire to the
oil fields, since smoke could break up the laser as much as clouds

I wish I could share your optimism. Whether 'smart bombs' are smart OR
dumb proved immaterial to Iraq (as well as Serbia); overwhelming force
IS overwhelming. The Iraqis were NOT successful in the main; alas, they
had the snot beat out of them.

> As for handguns and rifles, they work under any conditions. Only under
real extreme conditions will they not work.

'Extreme conditions' are, and will be, confronting superior
technological and organizational force.

> There are hundreds of examples of guerrilla forces outmatching
convential forces (government) with superior weapons. Vietnam and
Solomia are only the most recent examples. There were cases of peasents
armed with simple bows they made from everyday items being able to shoot
down knights in heavy armor.

As I explained, Vietnam's success owed largely to the countervailing
pressures of the U.S.S.R. which kept the war low-tech. I don't know
enough about 'Solomia' to comment, but I would hardly believe that
'simple bows they made from everyday items [are] able to shoot down
knights in heavy armor,' the Native Americans couldn't.

Barry Stoller

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