Richard Boucher, Spokesman 
       Washington, DC
       April 2, 2001

Certification of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Today, April 2, the Secretary of State conveyed his
decision to Congress on the issue of certification of
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
The Secretary determined that Yugoslavia had met the
criteria of Section 594 of the Foreign Operations,
Export Financing and Related Programs Appropriations
Act 2001. In making his determination, however, the
Secretary qualified this certification. The
Administration intends to continue to press Yugoslav
authorities to follow through on their stated
intention to cooperate fully with the International
Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia. United States
support for the holding of an international donors
conference will depend on continued progress by
Yugoslavia and Serbia toward full cooperation with the

Released on April 2, 2001

       Richard Boucher, Spokesman 
       Washington, DC
       April 2, 2001

Yugoslavia: Certification Implications for Debt
Rescheduling (Taken Question)

Question taken at the April 2, 2001 Press Briefing 

       QUESTION: Does the Secretary's certification of
Yugoslavia have any implications for debt rescheduling
for the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia?

       ANSWER: .It is premature for us to comment on
debt rescheduling for the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia. Data on Yugoslavia's debt situation is
still being collected, and Yugoslav authorities are
still in the process of negotiating a program with the
international monetary fund -- a prerequisite to
consideration of rescheduling by the Paris Club. 

       In the meantime, we will continue working with
Yugoslav authorities and the International Monetary
Fund and World Bank to establish sound policies that
can help the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia stabilize
its finances and build the basis for sustained
economic growth.

       QUESTION: Is a Paris club meeting scheduled to
discuss Yugoslavia's debt? 

       ANSWER: The Paris Club meeting currently
underway will include an exchange of views on
Yugoslavia, among other countries. We refer you to the
Paris Club for more information.


       Released on April 3, 2001


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