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Tuesday, april 10, 2001

1. Kostunica "regrets" Milosevic's detention
2. Freedom for Slobodan! - Big rally in Belgrade
3. "Only a Humiliated Servant is Loyal"
4. Albanians protected by international community



The Hague Tribunal is an institution which applies the international law
selectively, predominantly accusing political and military leaders of one
people, namely, those of Serbs, Yugoslav President Voijislav Kostunica has
told the Belgrade's BK television network. At that, Mr. Kostunica
emphasized it with compunction that the US administration's ultimatum to
arrest former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic before March 31st
should not have been carried out "since times of the language of ultimatums
are gone." 
Speaking of future relations between Serbia and Montenegro and a likely
secession of Montenegro from Yugoslavia, Mr. Kostunica has expressed hope
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia will continue to exist. Should it come
to secession, the decision taken by the people of Montenegro, will be
honoured, President Kostunica added. One can gather from Mr. Kostunica's
latest statements that he can hardly be noted for much firmness of




Belgrade, April 7, 2001, SOCIALIST PARTY OF SERBIA - Head Committee of the
Socialist Party of Serbia met today in Belgrade after the end of the
massive rally of support to SPS President Slobodan Milosevic, who was
detained a week ago. Head Committee stated that the rally in front of
Government of Serbia buildings was big success.

Several speakers, young socialists, members of the Party leadership and
guests from Montenegro were cheered and applauded by more than 20.000
citizens. The key demand to the authorities was freeing Milosevic from
detention immediately, letting him defend his innocence from freedom and
stop politically motivated detentions. Proclamation read at the meeting
asked the authorities to answer who were the masked armed men, bearing
neither official insignia nor the authorization of a judge investigator,
who attacked Mr. Milosevic's residence. 

Proclamation underlined that the DOS regime is fulfilling only one of its
promises: it is releasing Albanian terrorists and putting Serbian patriots
in jails. It trades away national and state interests. It sells the dignity
of Serbia "for a handful of dollars". In the middle of Belgrade, the DOS
officials roll out the red carpet for Solana, Cook and other war criminals.
While they show off their "international support", the separatists in
Montenegro, Vojvodina and Raska organize further attempts to break up
Yugoslavia and Serbia. In everyday life misery and poverty rule.

Delegation of protesters went to the Central jail in Belgrade to visit
Slobodan Milosevic and present him the Proclamation, but was denied to do
so by responsible authorities. This provoked another protest because
Serbian authorities were officially requested for permission to visit
Milosevic 24 hours in advance.



Comments on the Miloshevich arrest by a etired Yugoslav Diplomat
[posted at Emperor's Clothes, 10 April 2001]

      [The name of the author, a distinguished Yugoslav
      diplomat, is known to Emperor's Clothes but has been
      withheld because of the current authoritarian climate in

By their six-month political and media campaign of unprecedented
proportions, the current authorities of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
have demonstrated a greater concern for the elimination of any influence
whatsoever of the Socialist Party of Serbia as a national political force
and its removal from the scene, than any interest in their own

The sensational arrest of Mr. Slobodan Miloshevich, former President of the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the President of the Socialist Party of
Serbia, based on extremely unconvincing and hasty accusations, shows that
the current authorities have discarded any pretense that their policy is

Conscientiously meeting the strict US deadline, that Mr. Slobodan
Miloshevich must be arrested by 31 March 2001, the current authorities have
admitted urbi et orbi [to Belgrade and to the world, see footnote 1] that
they are mere protagonists of US and NATO policy. The United States and
NATO desperately need the removal of Mr. Slobodan Miloshevich from the
political and public scene and his incrimination for unsubstantiated
crimes, in order to shelter themselves from their guilt for numerous war
and other crimes committed against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and
the Serbian people during their 1999 aggression. 

There is no doubt that by setting the above deadline and insisting on its
observance, the US intended to discredit the government of the Democratic
Opposition of Serbia and to tie it to US policy. For only a humiliated
servant is loyal. 

The current Yugoslav authorities, by agreeing to stage a political process
against Mr. Miloshevich and other prominent members of the Socialist Party
of Serbia, definitely conceded to the US and NATO the right to define and
spearhead not only their foreign policy, but their internal policy as well.
In this way, the current Serbian and Yugoslav authorities have reduced
themselves to simple instruments for implementing US and NATO strategy and
policy in the region. The dignity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has
been grossly trampled and its independence has been seriously brought into

Footnotes and Further Reading

1) Concerning the impossibility for people in target nations of achieving
personal security by trying to satisfy Washington's hunger for servility,
see "For Whom the Bell Tolls" by Jared Israel at

2. URBI ET ORBI is: "A Latin phrase meaning 'To the City and to the World'
that is a blessing given by the Holy Father. Normally, the first Urbi et
Orbi delivered by a pontiff is immediately after his election by the
College of Cardinals. This is a blessing accompanied by a short address to
the crowds in St. Peter's Square and to the world; frequently, as with Pope
John Paul II in 1978, it is delivered in as many languages as possible. The
pope also delivers an Urbi et Orbi each year at Christmas and at Easter."
>From the Catholic Word Book,'


The Albanian extremists have been wreaking havoc in the Balkans since they
were funded, clothed, trained and armed by pernicious foreign powers, the
USA being first and foremost in this attempt to subvert Eastern European
stability. However, they continue to be the darlings of western European
powers, despite a continuing history of acts of savagery. 
As Macedonian police arrest 18 suspected members of the Ushtria Clirimtare
Kombatetur (NLA in Macedonia), in possession of large numbers of arms, the
Albanian political parties in the country threaten to react by leaving the
government coalition. This comes days after Robin Cook, the British Foreign
Minister, visited Skopje, where he stated that the Macedonian authorities
had to agree to the legitimate demands of the Albanians. 
The Party of Democratic Prosperity, for instance, said it would "freeze its
relations with the government. The young Albanians, members of the National
Liberation Army, or merely its supporters, should not have been arrested,
but fully integrated into the system".  Integrating heavily armed
terrorists into a system must evidently only happen in Albania, a country
whose state systematically breaks down into chaos. The Mayor of Tetovo even
accused the Macedonian police of heavy-handedness. 
However incredible it may seem, the Albanians continue to enjoy the
protection of the international community. The International Crisis Group
has issued a report entitled "The Macedonian Issue - Reform or Rebellion?"
in which it requests the Slavic majority in Macedonia to integrate the
Albanians into their society. 
PRAVDA.Ru recently revealed the great degree of autonomy that the Albanians
have in Macedonia, namely their own schools, cultural institutions and
political parties.  This report goes on to reveal the continuing intrusive
nature of the western countries behind it. It puts in question the
legitimacy of recent elections in Macedonia, claims that the recent
population census is inaccurate and complains about the corruption in the
Macedonian political system.  It is inconceivable that this report can have
been elaborated by balanced and objective observers. Once again, it is a
shameful admission by western countries that all they have to offer the
world is arrogance and ignorance. Reports such as this one written by the
ICG are not worth the paper they are written on because they are biased,
badly written and inaccurate. 


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