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Thursday, april 12, 2001

1. Free Milosevic, jail Eagleburger, Zimmermann (etc.)...
2. U.S. troops shot at in Kosovo
3. Crisis builds up in Moslem Croatian federation of Bosnia & Herzegovina
4. Young Albanians forced into prostitution by own men
5. Lukashenko says West to earmark $500 million for his opponents



by George Szamuely 

Quiz time. Who said the following? 

"Serbia has never had only Serbs living in it. Today, more than in the
past, members of other peoples and nationalities also live in it. This is
not a disadvantage for Serbia. I am truly convinced that it is its
advantage. National composition of almost all countries in the world
today…has also been changing in this direction. Citizens of different
nationalities, religions, and races have been living together more and more
frequently and more and more successfully." 

Elie Wiesel? Madeleine Albright? George Soros? Vojislav Kostnica, Zoran
Djindjic or one of the other creatures the U.S. installed in power in
Belgrade? No, it was Slobodan Milosevic. He spoke these words in Kosovo on
June 28, 1989, the very occasion on which he allegedly whipped the Serbs into 
a bloodthirsty nationalist frenzy. (1)

The real Milosevic has never had the remotest connection with the idiotic
cartoonish figure depicted by the U.S. government, the "two op-ed-page
articles a year" denizens of the defense-industry-funded think tanks and
the ignorant reporters passing for "Balkans experts" on NewsHour with Jim
Milosevic was neither a "nationalist," nor a "Communist," nor a "dictator"
nor a "demagogue." To be sure, he was never one of those East European
Communists-turned-Thatcherite-overnight so beloved by U.S. elites. Nor did
it help that he won elections handily, or that in the late 1980s he was
massive demonstrations against the IMF bromides that were destroying
Yugoslavia's industry. The U.S. actually did Yugoslavia a favor by imposing
sanctions in 1992. It freed the countryâ€"all too briefly, as the Serbs are
about to find outâ€"from the dreadful ministrations of the IMF. (2)

Milosevic did not instigate the wars in the Balkans. On the contrary, his
record throughout the decade was that of a man eager for peace. Who was
really responsible for the wars? Those who insisted on secession without
waiting to settle outstanding issues like final borders, the status of
minorities or the disposal of state property and debt? Or those who, in
accordance with international law, insisted that secession could only be
"legal" if it was accepted by the seceding state and the seceded-from
state? (3)

There is no question that the US Government will put enormous pressure on
the Belgrade authorities to transfer Milosevic to the Hague, where he would
receive a ridiculously unfair trial in a "court" which has already
pre-judged him guilty of "war crimes," "genocide" and "crimes against
humanity". This is 
the purpose of the the International Criminal Tribunal for the former
Yugoslavia: to absolve the real instigators of the wars in the Balkans of
any responsibility for their actions. 

The Balkans today are littered with tiny, weak NATO protectorates whose
domestic and foreign policies are shaped down to the last detail by the
U.S. and its junior EU partners. This was an entirely foreseen consequence
of U.S. policy in Eastern Europe since the end of the Cold War. There is no
truth whatsoever to the legend that the United States wanted to keep
Yugoslavia together but was thwarted in this noble endeavor by the
machinations of the Germans. In February 1990, nearly two years before the
villainous German Chancellor Helmut Kohl supposedly muscled in on the
Balkans by recognizing Croatia and Slovenia, Deputy Secretary of State
Lawrence Eagleburger was already telling the Slovenians that Washington
would accept Slovenia's secession provided it was done "peacefully and
democratically." The Slovenians did not need another signal. Even so, in
October 1990â€"eight months before Slovenia declared independence, one year
before war broke out in 
Croatiaâ€"Congress passed an amendment to the Foreign Operations
Appropriation law barring any U.S. loans or credits for Yugoslavia unless
the assistance was directed to a republic "which has held free and fair
elections and which is not engaged in systematic abuse of human rights".
This was an 
extraordinary piece of legislation. According to Washington then,
Yugoslavia had ceased to exist. The U.S. government was henceforth to deal
with the "republics," entities with no international legal standing

In the days leading up to the secession of Croatia and Slovenia, U.S.
officials would make pro forma declarations opposing unilateral
declarations of independence. Then they would warn the Yugoslav army not to
use force to stop the republics breaking away. It was a policy of accepting
de facto independence. Moreover, it was revealed in the London Observer
last year that, contrary to the publicly proclaimed Western policy of
neutrality, the British were in fact secretly selling arms to Slovenia days
before its declaration of independence. Since Britain is merely America's
errand boy on 
such matters, one can be fairly certain that this was a
Washington-initiated policy. 

The carnage that was to come in Bosnia was entirely the consequence of a
ruthless and cynical U.S. policy. In March 1992, after seeing the bitter
fighting that followed the secession of Croatia, the leaders of Bosnia's
Serbs, Croats and Muslims sat down in Lisbon and hammered out a partition 
plan of Bosnia. According to a 1993 New York Times story, European
Community "mediators who brokered the agreement argued that partition was
the only way to contain the ethnic rivalries. But the Bush Administration
was pushing the Europeans to recognize Bosnia as an independent country,
with a Muslim-led Government in Sarajevo." When the Bosnian Muslim or--more
accurately--Islamist leader, Alija Izetbegovic returned to Sarajevo, U.S.
Ambassador Warren Zimmermann called on him. "He said he didn't like it" Mr.
Zimmermann recalled. "I told him, if he didn't like it, why sign it?" But
after talking to the Ambassador, Mr. Izetbegovic publicly renounced the
Lisbon agreement." 

By April the United States had managed to bully the Europeans into
recognizing the state of Bosnia, thereby setting in train the carnage to
come. The U.S. subsequently sabotaged the Vance-Owen partition plan as well
as the Stoltenberg partition plan. The fighting finally came to an end with
a U.S.-sponsored partition plan at Dayton. We got what we were after all
along. Bosnia was turned into a colony. (4)


Further Reading:

1) To read 'What Milosevic Really Said at Kosovo Field in 1989' go to 

2) The IMF was directly involved in the Yugoslav coup of Oct. 5th. While 
promising to aid, the IMF in fact presides over the destruction of economies. 
See 'The International Monetary Fund And The Yugoslav Elections at 

3) Analyst T.W. Carr has written a most useful account of the Western assault 
on Yugoslavia. See 'Germany and the US in the Balkans- a Careful Coincidence 
of National Policies?' at 

4) See Prof. Michel Chossudovsky's "Dismantling Yugoslavia, Colonizing 
Bosnia" at [Emperor's Clothes]

The URL for this article is



From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[What a reassuringly bland, vague, non-committal, evasive tone the
following report has. Nowhere is it
hinted that the snipers could possibly be members of the KLA - I repeat,
the KLA - who were armed and trained by U.S. and other NATO military and
intelligence personnel since 1995, at the very moment the Dayton Peace
Accord was being negotiated. The Western propaganda mills, notwithstanding
how thoroughly they've succeeded in misleading and stupefying their
respective populaces, would have a difficult time explaining this about
face. So the press wire services will simpy allude to certain anonymous
malefactors taking shots at the 'peacekeepers.'] 


by FISNIK ABRASHI, Associated Press Writer

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia (AP) -- Gunmen fired on U.S. and Polish peacekeepers
in Kosovo as they were patrolling the rugged mountains near the border with
Macedonia, a U.S. army spokeswoman said Tuesday. NATO-led peacekeepers
returned fire and suffered no injuries in Monday's gunfight, the first
since a joint U.S-Russian patrol came under attack in December, said Capt.
Alayne Cramer, a spokeswoman for U.S. forces in Kosovo. No suspects were
detained. The attack occurred southwest of the Kosovo village of Krivenik,
where an Associated Press Television News producer, Kerem Lawton, was
killed during a mortar attack March 29. The source of that mortar attack is
under investigation. 

Both ethnic Albanian insurgents and Macedonian government troops fighting
each other in the area in March have denied responsibility. Peacekeepers
have stepped up patrols in the border area in recent weeks, netting arms
caches and discovering what appeared to be a camp used by extremists.
Peacekeepers sought to prevent ethnic Albanian guerrillas from using Kosovo
as a staging ground to launch attacks in Macedonia, where the insurgents
are fighting for more rights. 

Just nine miles along the border to the north, peacekeepers cordoned off
the wreckage of a British helicopter that crashed in heavy rain Monday. Two
people died and five others were injured. There was no indication of any
hostile fire, said Maj. Fergus Smith, a spokesman for the British contingent
serving in Kosovo. Despite the unease along Kosovo's borders, Serbia --
Yugoslavia's larger republic -- is moving ahead on drafting a framework for
self-government that should allow elections this year, a senior U.N.
official said.

The announcement comes just days after Yugoslavia's President Vojislav
Kostunica and Kosovo's U.N. Administrator Hans Haekkerup agreed that the
Serbs should take part in the working group drafting the self-government
framework. Jean-Marie Guehenno, the undersecretary-general for
peacekeeping, said the working group has already laid out the skeleton
structure of a framework for
self-government. Yugoslavia's U.N. ambassador, Dejan Sahovic, also demanded
security guarantees for the Kosovo Serb participants and demanded
''guarantees concerning equal participation.''

On Monday, Guehenno told an open U.N. Security Council meeting that
''serious measures to tackle law and order are beginning to bear fruit,''
but that he did not hold out hope for a return of Serbs and allied ethnic
minorities before the election. U.N. administrators and NATO-led
peacekeepers have
been in charge of Kosovo since June 1999 after a 78-day NATO bombing
campaign forced Yugoslav troops to withdraw and ended then-Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic's attacks on separatist ethnic Albanians.



The government of Western Herzegovina, which is a constituent part of the
Moslem Croatian Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, warns that it will no
longer be able to guarantee security to members of the international
community and to federal authorities. 
The headquarters of an OSCE mission and missions of other international
organizations in the province's administrative center, Siroki Breg, have
been destroyed, with the personnel evacuated under the protection of KFOR
It will be remembered that all federal ministries have been out of
operation since March 3, the day Croatian self-government was proclaimed in
territories with predominantly Croatian population in the Federation of
Bosnia and Herzegovina. And the situation becomes increasingly complicated
with very passing day. 
The authorities of Western Herzegovina have formed a staff to address
security issues, which will reportedly protect interests of the Croatian
people, preventing anti-Croatian acts. This decision in fact withdraws the
province from Bosnia and Herzegovina. 
The federal defense minister, not recognized by the Western Herzegovina
authorities, has called on the global community to take urgent measures to
end the disorder. The Croatians' discontent wave and their threats to the
world community, as well as to the federal government, army and police of
Bosnia and Herzegovina extend to other provinces. (Source:



Young Albanians forced into prostitution tell of their sorry plight By
Hans-Hagen Bremer Paris - Albanian women told a committee of the Council of
Europe meeting in Paris on Monday grim tales of being auctioned off like
cattle and of enduring brutal psychological pressure designed break them,
to turn them into uncomplaining prostitutes. 

"They are auctioned off like animals. If they're blonde and pretty, the
bids are higher. Then they're trained for their future trade. They're
raped, tortured and psychologically broken until they submit. It's a real
slave market," said Briseida Mema, describing the techniques Albanian pimps
use on women to supply western Europe with prostitutes. Mema belongs to the
Independent Forum of Albanian Women. 

Also invited to the hearing on the burgeoning trade in women and their
sexual enslavement were parliamentarians, police specialists and
representatives of private aid organisations, including a number from
eastern Europe. The camps where the women are inducted into the sex
industry also exist in countries of the former Yugoslavia. 

Calls for classifying trafficking in women as a crime against humanity have
been growing stronger recently. According to Socialist MP Lydie Err of
Luxembourg, it represents a new type of crime against humanity which
remains relatively unpunished. Where charges are filed, he says, they often
result in sentences and fines below those imposed on dealers in drugs and

Fearing revenge attacks by their tormentors, many women who have escaped
from prostitution withdrew their agreement to publicly address the
committee. Philippe Boudin, director of the French Committee Against Modern
Slavery, puts the number of non-EU women forced into prostitution in the
European Union since the collapse of communism in 1989 at 500,000 to
600,000. Every year, another 120,000 or so join their sorry ranks. For the
traffickers and pimps, business is booming, says Don Cesare Lodeserto, head
of the Regina Pacis womens' shelter in Lecce, Italy. The introduction of
the euro has only boosted earnings. 

Experts at the United Nations put turnover in the global sex-slave trade at
seven to 13 billion dollars. The EU declared war on the illegal trade in
women back in 1999. Several directives aimed at harmonising and stiffening
relevant laws are currently being examined by the council of ministers. As
yet, none has been passed into law. So far, only Belgium and Italy have
declared the trafficking of women for the prostitution industry as a crime
and taken steps to provide help to victims of ruthless gangs of human
traffickers. In Belgium, for example, escaped women can assume a new
identity if they wish. 

Part of this problem is that many if not most of the male European MP
frequently use prostitutes. Power corrupts in many ways. 

(Source: Frankfurter Rundschau online. Published: 4-9-2001 Author:
Hans-Hagen Bremer)



MINSK, Apr 10, 2001 -- (RFE/RL) Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko
on 6 April said the West is planning to allot $500 million for candidates
who will challenge him in this year's presidential ballot in Belarus,
Belapan reported.

Lukashenko said he obtained this information from former Russian Prime
Minister Yevgenii Primakov.

According to Lukashenko, the Belarusian presidential elections will also be
crucial for the fate of Russia.

"We may not, we don't have the right to lose this [presidential] campaign.
If we lose these elections,
Russia's days will be counted," he noted.


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