I agree with Comrade Erik!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Look “strange” – Look like a “mix” of the 3. Way - and the old European Workers Comities (they were agents).




Yours in solidarity

Per Rasmussen



Familien Rasmussen


Cuba SI!


Viden er Magt! - Magten til folket!



-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]På vegne af erik andersson
Sendt: 14. april 2001 23:10
Emne: [MLL](no subject)


What is Partia rada?



How coud the moderators on the list accept "Partija rada" on the list?


Read this rubbish from the so called party:
"You have a right. Just a week a go, President of our Party (Vladimir
Dapcevic, 84) told us on CC a lot of things about Zionist Mafia connected
with Yeltsin. Their intention was to destroy completely Russia. On the other
hand, we have example of Israel which use fascistic policy against
Palestinians. I do not wish to explain that I (nor our Party) do not have
anything against Jews, but practice is what is important for


       It sounds antisemitic. The same persons want that Slobodan to Haague to be

 judged by Britan and US imperialism. This is a shame that the list accept " Partija Rada"


 The persons behind this group is just tools of NATO

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