----- Original Message ----- 
From: Steve Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 12:43 AM
Subject: Memo: U.S. Mulled Fake Cuba Pretext [STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


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This is hot off the Associated Press wire, Wed.,

April 25, 17:05 EST

Memo: U.S. Mulled Fake Cuba Pretext

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Seeking a pretext to invade Cuba,
senior Kennedy administration officials contemplated
blowing up a U.S. navy ship in Guantanamo Bay, faking
casualties, and blaming it on Fidel Castro, according
to declassified papers.

  In a March 1962 memo, an anonymous Pentagon official
outlined "a series of well coordinated incidents ...
to take place in and around Guantanamo to give genuine
appearance of being done by hostile Cuban forces."

  Possibilities included "Sabotage ship in harbor;
large fires -- napthalene," a misspelling of
naphthalene, a combustible chemical compound, and
"Sink ship near harbor entrance. Conduct funeral for
mock victims."

  A March 13, 1962, letter from Joint Chiefs of
Staff Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer to Defense Secretary
Robert McNamara says the chiefs have studied the
document and "recommend that the proposed memorandum
forwarded as a preliminary submission suitable for
planning purposes."

  The Lemnitzer letter and the memo were uncovered
by author James Bamford, whose book, "Body of
Secrets," includes a chapter on covert anti-Castro
activities. The George Washington
National Security Archives also revealed the memo and
related documents.

  The memo was written at the behest of senior Joint
Chiefs official Brig. Gen. William Craig, who was
involved in planning "Operation Mongoose," the
ill-fated attempt to topple the Castro regime through
sabotage and disruption.

  A month earlier, Craig had written Attorney
General Robert Kennedy -- who supervised Mongoose --
urging him to consider such pretexts, but only as a
last resort.

  The author of the anonymous memo describes his
proposals as "Remember the Maine incidents." The USS
Maine exploded in Havana harbor in 1898, killing 266
sailors, and quickly became the pretext for U.S.
intervention in the Cuban revolution, sparking the
Spanish-American war. It is not known whether the
explosion was accidental or sabotage.

  Among the proposed "incidents":

-- Blowing up a pilotless drone near Cuban waters,
and pretending the wreckage was of a military plane
shot down by Castro's forces. "Casualty lists in U.S.
papers would cause a helpful wave of national
indignation," it suggests.

-- Launching a pretend terror campaign in the Miami
area and in Washington, even faking some woundings.

-- Recruiting friendly Cubans to stage an attack on
the U.S. naval base, riots near the base, and sabotage
inside the base.

  In his letter to Attorney General Kennedy, Craig
says faking pretexts for invasion is a "dangerous
game" and prefers sabotage and backing of dissidents
that characterized Mongoose.

  Still, he urges Kennedy to consider feinting an
invasion into Cuba to provoke the Cubans into
attacking the Guantanamo Bay U.S. naval base -- which
would provide a real pretext to invade Cuba.

  "The military believe that the continued existence
of the Castro Communist regime is incompatible with
the minimum security requirements of the United States
and the entire Western Hemisphere," Craig writes.

  The memos were written nine months after the Bay
of Pigs fiasco, when Castro's forces crushed a
CIA-trained Cuban exile army. Smarting from the
humiliation, U.S. military leaders were eager to
bring Castro to heel.

  In his book, Bamford says Lemnitzer's personal
writings suggest he fully endorsed faking pretexts to
invade Cuba, and urged the proposals to McNamera, who
rejected them. 

  The former defense secretary denied ever hearing
of such plans, and said he didn't believe Lemnitzer or
Attorney General Kennedy seriously considered them.

  "I cannot conceive of (the Mongoose) committee
thinking about a 'Remember the Maine' operation, it
makes no sense," McNamera told the AP. "There were
contingency war plans, yes, but there are contingency
plans to invade the moon."

  However, others said such proposals were par for
the course at the time. Wayne Smith, at the time a
Cuba desk officer at the State Department, noted that
a plan to fake a Cuban attack on Guantanamo
simultaneous with the Bay of Pigs landing failed
because the boat carrying the faux-Cuban soldiers
developed engine trouble.

  "After the Bay of Pigs, nothing could raise our
eyebrows," he said.


On the Net:

National Security Archive: http://www.nsarchive.org

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