(ADL is the Anti-Defamation League, a Zionist group.)

The ADL’s approach is designed to tick boxes for white adults dutifully talking over racial violence with children, while remaining profoundly unthreatening to actual racist power. For instance, ADL materials don’t mention protesters’ critiques of racial capitalism, nor their calls for police abolition and safety through community care — even though together, these messages have produced perhaps one of the most profoundshifts <https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/06/10/upshot/black-lives-matter-attitudes.html>in popular ideas about race in U.S. history. The ADL’s curriculum minimizes this summer’s massive outpouring of rage and political will, seeming to say that protests culminated in the recentcongressional resolution <https://pressley.house.gov/sites/pressley.house.gov/files/A%20Resolution%20Condemning%20Police%20Brutality_0.pdf>condemning “police brutality.” It obeys the Black Lives Matter protest command to say the names of people murdered by police, printing a short litany of “high profile deaths.” But it describes them using the term widelyused to minimize police accountability <https://fair.org/home/copspeak-7-ways-journalists-use-police-jargon-to-obscure-the-truth/>:/police-involved deaths/.

full: https://truthout.org/articles/watered-down-anti-racism-training-in-schools-is-perpetuating-racism/

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