> On Nov 3, 2024, at 9:04 AM, Marv Gandall via groups.io 
> <marvgand2=gmail....@groups.io> wrote:
> Chinese and Russian "imperialism" and various "sub-imperialisms" criticized 
> in the Monthly Review article are shared by the great majority of active 
> contributors on the list, including, I believe, all of the moderators.

Is that what the article was about?  Here is what JBF is arguing against in the 
article, point by point:

"(1) one nation cannot exploit another; (2) there is no such thing as monopoly 
capitalism as the economic basis of imperialism; (3) imperialist rivalry and 
exploitation between nations has been displaced by global class struggles 
within a fully globalized transnational capitalism; (4) all great powers today 
are capitalist nations engaged in interimperialist struggle; (5) imperialist 
nations can be judged primarily on a democratic-authoritarian spectrum, so that 
not all imperialisms are created equal; (6) imperialism is simply a political 
policy of aggression of one state against another; (7) humanitarian imperialism 
designed to protect human rights is justified; (8) the dominant classes in the 
Global South are no longer anti-imperialist and are either transnationalist or 
subimperialist in orientation; (9) the “anti-imperialist left” is “Manichean” 
in its support of the morally “good” Global South against the morally “bad” 
Global North; (10) economic imperialism has now been “reversed” with the Global 
East/ South now exploiting the Global West/North; (11) China and the United 
States head rival imperialist blocs; and (12) Lenin was mainly a theorist of 
interimperialism, not of the imperialism of center and periphery."

Which of these sentiments have you heard on the list?


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