> On Nov 4, 2024, at 7:53 PM, Marv Gandall via groups.io 
> <marvgand2=gmail....@groups.io> wrote:
> What you're picking up from me is that I believe the central issue which 
> Bellamy Foster is addressing has been debated many many times on the list.

I think JBF and MR contributors have analyzed these issues in other venues, and 
one could expect that here, but the article doesn't do that 
  There's no analysis of the Ukraine invasion by Russia in the context of 
imperialism.  In those works, Lenin's writings on the role of 
self-determination and proletarian unity, including between the Ukrainian and 
Great Russian workers remained unexplored as Lenin's and the Comintern writings 
are forced into a narrow context.  

I haven't identified the "humanitarian imperialists" that JBF mentions in his 
rogues gallery, and maybe that would be the people who support Ukraine in the 
Russian invasion.  The assertion that Ukraine is only a proxy war is assumed, 
not explained.  The class nature of China is assumed not analyzed. Also assumed 
in the first paragraph of the article is that there exist "Eurocentric sections 
of Western Marxism." "Eurocentrism" was not defined but hurled, which tips off 
the reader in the first sentences that the article is more about heat than 
light.  While the literature on Eurocentrism is surely something well 
understood by the MR cognoscenti (like sartesian, I read few of the writers 
mentioned), so the uninitiated must try to bridge the gap between what Samir 
Amin and others wrote on the topic and the assumptions JBF's makes about those 
he critiques.

The writers chosen for JBF's critique serve as foils for an otherwise very good 
review of Lenin's works on Imperialism, colonial revolution, and self 
determination - from a certain perspective.  The references alone make the 
paper worthwhile as does the quality of scholarship.  I thought the paper was a 
very interesting ride to nowhere.


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