I would like to propose a workaround ( I have the same challenge ).

Mount the NT / Win95 as smb shares, and make them available for ftp from the
Linux box.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 1998 19:14
> Subject: Re: [masq] Ftp server behind firewall?
> Well I can't give you the answer to your problem, but I do have a
> work-around.  I am in a similar situation but my NT box also boots to
> Linux.  Ftp works fine in NT using War FTPD, but when I boot to Linux I
> that bind error.  You can get War software at
> http://www.jgaa.com/downloadpage.htm .  I think it may have to do with the
> 'Fool my brain dead ISP! (dont bind to port 20)' option, but I know little
> about this.  That's your best bet.  It's a great program too.
> As for me, I'd rather be in Linux more but I cant find a way around that
> bind problem.  If you hear anything, let me know please.  I have asked the
> same question here and got no respose.  Lets hope you do.
> At 12:26 AM 3/18/98 -0500, you wrote:
> >
> >     I have a need for there to be a ftp server behind the firewall,
> >I am assuming that it can be done.  I have used redir for port 21 and can
> >connect to the server but when I try to get a listing or file it spits
> this at
> >me:
> >
> >ftp> ls
> >500 Invalid PORT Command.
> >ftp: bind: Address already in use
> >ftp> ls
> >500 Invalid PORT Command.
> >ftp> dir
> >500 Invalid PORT Command.
> >
> >I have tried using redir on port 20 and using udpred on 21 and 20 but
> >getting the same error messages, I have not yet tried ipautofw.
> >The machine is a NT box with the microsoft ftp server; I don't think that
> >makes a difference.
> >
> >--
> >Andrew L. Davis                                      Network Operations
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED]                            ViperLink International
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