I guess that was an imaginary OT on 460.35R - (OT = officer in trouble)


“If you think you’re better than anyone else just because of the color
of your skin or your belief system, let me tell you something: You’re
not, you’re worse,” Racioppi said.


I do believe it is bad to spew nonsense in a newspaper - I guess I am
worse than Racioppi

To clarify - Racioppi is trying to say that the "Free Speechers" are
not racists - even though it seems that they ARE all racists - but
lets give them the benefit of the doubt  - lets say they are all pure
godly free speechers - there were probably 200 cops and firefighters
on duty for the show - that is at least $150,000 in costs - was that a
good use of $150,000 to further the cause of free speech? $150,000
might buy 2 ACLU lawyers for a whole year - plus all of the counter
demonstraters that had to show up - thats another wasted $150,000
(although they all might have been planning on sleeping all day
Saturday anyhow) - so thats $300,000 down the drain - that woud buy a
few more beds in the shelters

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