lets recap yet again

911 call received - man down in snow - cpr in progress - 1 cop and 1
cop sergeant sent - 1 engine and 1 ambulance sent

arrive at scene - no one knows what happened - 911 caller had no good
info - 911 caller is at scene - 2 or 3 other people are at scene -
they dont know what happened

if you are the canton police sergeant - what do you do next?

Would you knock on the door of the house and ask the cop what
happened? Would you go to the house across the street and ask that cop
what happened?

when did those 2 cops finally show up at the scene - today the yellow
tales guy was saying that his dad slept thru a fire call once so its
perfectly normal that the 2 neighborhood cops slept thru the call -
maybe they slept thru their doorbells also

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