Daily Ops Briefing 01-15-2025.pdf
Daily Ops Briefing 01-15-2025.pdf

Palisades Fire - 23,000 acres - 18% contained - 1,799 homes destroyed
- 315 other destroyed - 358 homes damaged - 33 other blds damaged - 9

typically 51% bld damage or more = destroyed

Eaton Fire - 14,000 acres - 35% contained - 2,654 homes destroyed -
1,334 other blds destroyed - 331 homes damaged - 110 other blds
damaged - 16 dead

ratio of destroyed homes to damaged homes is 4 to 1 on Palisades fire
- and its 9 to 1 on the Eaton Fire - at this point - approx - ish -
you know

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