Title: Reminder: IMSE Colloquium TODAY by Margaret Small
The following is an announcement about an upcoming colloquium sponsored by the Institute for Mathematics and Science Education (IMSE) of the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Supporting Teacher Change: The Chicago Secondary Mathematics Improvement Project and the Development of Teacher Leadership
Margaret Small
Young Women's Leadership Charter School
o       Thursday, October 4, 2001
o      3:30-5:00 p.m.
o Room 2087 Science and Engineering Laboratories (SEL)
After almost a decade of availability of mathematics reform curricula created with support of the National Science Foundation and based on the NCTM Standards, high school mathematics teachers in Chicago continue to face an uphill struggle in making their mathematics classes an environment for a challenging, engaging and successful experience for the majority of students. The Chicago Mathematics Improvement Project (CSMIP) has worked for the past 5 years providing workshops and ongoing support for teachers using the Interactive Mathematics Program. We will look at teachers' comments on how this experience has affected their teaching and how they envision the challenges they currently face.  Dr. Small was co-Principal Investigator of CSMIP.
Call (312) 996-2448 for travel instructions more information about the colloquium.
Contact Marty Gartzman via email ([EMAIL PROTECTED] ) if you would like to be added to IMSE's electronic mailing list.

Other Fall Semester IMSE Colloquiua-mark your calendar
(All colloquia are scheduled from 3:30-5:00 in Room 2087 SEL on the dates indicated below.)
August 30       Zalman Usiskin
September 6       Joshua Radinsky
September 20     David Tall
October 18    Stacy Brown
November 1   Mark Smylie and Stacy Wenzel
November 15 Norman Lederman

See http://www.math.uic.edu/IMSE for titles and abstracts of these colloquia.  (Click on link to IMSE Colloquia.)

Marty Gartzman
Institute for Mathematics and Science Education
University of Illinois at Chicago (m/c 250)
950 S. Halsted, Room 2075
Chicago, IL 60607-7019
phone:  (312) 413-2971
fax:    (312) 413-7411

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