John Hunter wrote:
> On 8/6/07, Michael Droettboom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 1) mathtext_example_default_hinting.png - Uses freetype's default
>> hinting which uses hinting information in the file along with
>> auto-hinting to get around some patents.  This is what matplotlib was
>> using when I got here.
> I am still a bit confused here -- since the bakoma cm fonts presumably
> include hinting, why is it so bad?  Is it just that the hinting
> information in them is not good, and some of the autohinting
> approaches below are simply better?  I initially thought the problem
> was that they didn't include hinting...

I haven't been able to find a way to determine if a font has embedded 
hinting information.  However, I should have mentioned that Freetype by 
default will use the embedded hinting or fallback on auto-hinting. 
There is also an option, FT_LOAD_FORCE_AUTOHINT that will ignore the 
embedded hinting.  It produced identical results to FT_LOAD_DEFAULT, so 
I presume the fonts have no embedded hinting, which sort of makes sense, 
given their pedigree.  However, I'm flying blind on that, so if anyone 
can suggest a way to prove that, let me know.

My original conjecture (which I admit wasn't worded very carefully) was 
that if they included manually-tweaked hinting, they might look better 
than if they were auto-hinted.  Since no one is about to add manual 
hinting to the font, we'll probably never know ;)

>> 2) mathtext_example_light.png - Uses freetype's "light" hinting.
> To my eyes, the biggest problems are in plain roman text, eg \sin, and
> I think 1 and 2 both fail this case pretty badly (eg example 10 in
> your output).  TO my eyes, no hinting looks better than light hinting
> for these examples (and 4 is best)
>> 3) mathtext_example_nohint.png - All hinting off.
>> 4) mathtext_example_vert_hinting.png - This follows the suggestion in
>> Maxim's article to hint only in the vertical direction.  Since freetype
>> doesn't support that natively, it uses a hack where you set the x-dpi to
>> be much higher than the y-dpi, thereby hinting the x-direction to a much
> I guess beauty is in the eye of the holder, but at screen resolution I
> am not seeing too much difference in the italic 'i' and 'y'.

It's subjective, but the hook in the upper-left corner of 'y' looks 
really anemic to me in 1) and 2).  Likewise the hooks on the 'i' get too 

> But for
> roman text, eg the "c" in "braces" in example 7 and "sin" in example
> 10, I think 3 and 4 are the best two, with 4 getting the nod.

I think you and I are seeing the same thing: a general thinness or 

> If it is simply a case where the bakoma hinting is bad, and another
> set of fonts with better hinting will solve the problem using default
> hinting, we could opt to turn hinting off until we get a better set of
> fonts.

That's the easy solution.  Unfortunately, Vera Sans looks pretty wobbly 
without vertical hinting.

> As for uglifying ft2font, presumably we could encapsulate the
> ugliness into a helper class so we could say things like
> o.get_metrics_unstretched() and o.get_metrics_stretched() and the rest
> of the code would remain non-uglified.....  But I'm just arm-chair
> quarterbacking here....

Unfortunately, it's a lot more pervasive than just that one function. 
But if all calls to get freetype metrics were encapsulated, that could 
probably be reduced.  I'll think on it some more.


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