I noticed this bug last week (and forgot to send it in until now.. I  
know.. shame on me..).

Here is the workaround (responsible for my laziness):

# make a figure

That is, as long as the figure and savefig dpi match, it looks  
alright.  Otherwise, the tick labels are off.

I'm using recent svn (trunk).


On Jan 31, 2008, at 8:00 AM, Eric Firing wrote:

> In the course of answering a question by Alan Isaac, I saved some
> figures at different dpi values and hit a bug with png output:
> imshow(rand(100,100))
> gcf().savefig('f200.png', dpi=200)
> This results in tick labels that overlap the image, and it gets worse
> with higher dpi.  PS backend output is OK.
> This is with svn trunk.
> Eric
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Rob Hetland, Associate Professor
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