Michael Droettboom schrieb:
> Gael,
> You raise a very good point about the duplication of code around.  As a 
> case in point, the patches you provided no longer apply to the 
> "canonical" (or at least original) versions of the plugins that began 
> life in matplotlib.  Recent versions of Sphinx have a proper extension 
> API, so that "try ... except" importing is no longer necessary.
> For mathmpl.py --- I will move that into the matplotlib installed code 
> tree, so, as you suggest, "from matplotlib.sphinxext import mathmpl" 
> will work.  Obviously, that won't really provide traction until the next 
> release of matplotlib.  And it relies on only_directive.py, so I will 
> probably have to put that in matplotlib as well for now, though that is 
> a reasonable candidate for inclusion in Sphinx.

The "only" is so trivial that it will, in this or a more extended form,
certainly be part of 0.6, which will not come out later than Feb 31 ;)

> I have submitted inheritance_diagram.py to Sphinx already.  There didn't 
> seem to be much interest, and there were some details (particularly how 
> it deals with files), that weren't "the Sphinx way", and there few 
> documents and/or examples etc. at the time about how to do it right.  
> Someone else ended up re-engineering it to use pygraphviz which felt 
> pretty heavy weight to me.  So the thing kind of stalled.  But it's 
> probably worth another push.

The mails are still in my "look at it again" folder.  I kind of agree
that using pygraphviz is counterproductive, since many systems have
graphviz but no so many, I suspect, pygraphviz.

Is the current version of the inheritance_diagram.py the one in matplotlib?


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