I believe I have found a simple change that improves the rendering speed 
of quiver plots, which can be quite slow for large vector fields. Based 
on some profiling, the problem appears to stem from the use of numpy's 
MaskedArrays in PolyCollection.set_verts. If I add the following line to 
the top of the PolyCollection.set_verts function in collections.py:

        verts = np.asarray(verts)

I find that quiver plots are drawn about 3 times as quickly, going from 
2.6 seconds for a 125x125 field to 0.65 seconds. This does not seem to 
break the use of MaskedArrays as inputs, and masked regions are still 
hidden in the final plot. I do not know if this has any adverse effects 
in other classes that inherit from PolyCollection.

python 2.6.2 on Windows XP
numpy 1.3.0
matplotlib, Qt4Agg backend

I do not know why iterating over MaskedArrays is so slow, but perhaps 
this information can be used to speed up some other functions as well.

Ray Speth

Matplotlib-devel mailing list

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