On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 3:46 PM, Andrew Straw <straw...@astraw.com> wrote:

> John also suggested something like this. I don't think it's impossible,
> but it's outside the scope of the work I have done and beyond my
> immediate familiarity with the code base. I think it would involve
> looking at the tick label bounding boxes, finding overlaps, and then
> deciding which label was less important and removing it. I don't think
> it would be impossible, and maybe not even hard, but I haven't
> investigated at all. Thanks for keeping it on the queue.

One easy-ish approach would be to do this at the Axes layer, which
knows all the Axis contained within.  We could have some property like
hide_tick_overlaps and have a zorder on the axis, so if an axis is
"above" another, and any of the "lower" axis ticks overlap any of the
above ticks, then the lower ticks would be rendered invisible giving
the user some control of which get shown.  This would probably need to
be a draw time operation, with something like a before_draw_hook
handling the visibility and an after_draw_hook restoring the default

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