On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 2:39 PM, Eric Firing <efir...@hawaii.edu> wrote:
> 1) Should the the color_cycle be in the axes group?  Although it affects
> lines, it is defined only at the Axes level, and affects only lines drawn by
> plot.
> Alternative: since it affects only plot, should there be a new "plot" group
> to make that explicit, so it would be rcParams['plot.color_cycle']?

I think it is better to do at the Axes level, because even if plot is
the only command to do this now, I could imagine others commands
wanting to use it (fill_between, bar?).  I have had people asking me
just for access to the list so they could use it for some purpose or
another, so having the list easily accessible is desirable.

> 2) It was pointed out that there is a strange connection between the color
> cycle and the lines.color rcParam.  This connection looks to me like a bit
> of legacy that can be dropped with little risk of pain in user land, since
> the default would still be to have the initial color in the cycle (blue) be
> the same as the default lines.color (blue).  The proposed difference is that
> setting lines.color would have no effect on the color_cycle, and vice-versa.
>  John, I think the present connection dates all the  way back to your work
> around svn r500 or so; please tell me if there is some compelling reason to
> keep it.  It appears to me that breaking the connection would make both the
> code and the actual mpl behavior simpler and less surprising, with no loss
> of useful functionality.

I think deprecating lines.color and making the first element of the
cycle be the default color makes the most sense.

> 3) Would it make sense to add color_cycle to the Axes API, so that it can be
> set directly for a given axes as an alternative to going through the rc
> mechanism?  Right now it can be set via a function, but must be set before
> Axes creation; this doesn't make sense to me.  It would make more sense as
> an Axes property that could be set at any time, and would apply to
> subsequent calls to plot.

It might be best to make this a class level attribute, that way people
can tweak it globally or at the instance level, and have access to the
list *before* the Axes instance is created. The downside of this is it
falls outside of the usual properties pattern that people can access
via the normal introspection facilities.

The linestyles  cycle question is as you say a good bit harder, and
would best be served by having some sort of configurable color scheme,
where one could set grayscale or something like that to get default
black/white/gray colors and styles for the cycle.


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