On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 3:26 PM, Ryan May <rma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Continuing the spurt of (independent) development that's been going on
> lately, I committed support for generic timers. There's a base class
> TimerBase that provides the basic API for a timer (start, stop,
> controlling the interval, adding callbacks, etc.), and each GUI
> backend subclasses this to wrap around their toolkit's native timer
> classes.  I added a method to each backend's canvas object to
> facilitate creating a backend-specific timer without having to know
> what backend was running. So far, I'm quite happy with how it turned
> out, but I'm curious to hear feedback. Specifically:
> 1) Anything missing in the basic TimerBase API?

You might want to pass the argument as keywords on from the
add_timerr, so you can do

  timer = fig.canvas.new_timer(interval=100, callbacks=[(update_title, ax)])

or something like that...  Or support a single callback object.

Speaking of callbacks, do you know about cbook.CallbackRegistry?  It
would be nice to standardize on a single interface for handling
callbacks so users and developers can manipulate it directly.   We use
this elsewhere in support of mpl event handling and the toolbar so it
is fairly robust.

> 2) Is adding new_timer() the canvas a good way to go? I needed a way
> to get to backend-specific classes without actually knowing what
> backend I'm running (and without calling _pylab_helpers or
> pyplot.get_backend()).  Figure.canvas seemed to be just about the only
> way to go about this.  It also makes some sense, because in the case
> of Wx and Tk, an actual widget is required to hook up the timer.
> I've added an example in:
> examples/event_handling/timers.py
> This just makes a plot with a title that is continually (100 ms)
> updating with the current time including milliseconds. It does a good
> job of showing the ease with which such interactive updates can be
> done now. In fact, this could probably be used to update and simplify
> the existing animation demos. However, I'm already finishing up a more
> complete animation framework based on this, which should simplify some
> of those even further. At that point, I'll probably update the
> examples.

Looking forward to seeing it -- thanks!


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