Wing IDE recently added support for matplotlib, specifically non 
blocking show(). It might be worth also to test the 4.0 beta release.


On 7/16/2010 2:26 PM, Eric Firing wrote:
> All,
> John noticed that my changes to show() prior to 1.0 had broken a use
> case with tkagg and ipython -pylab, so I fixed that yesterday in
> maintenance branch and trunk.  Today, in 8562 and 8563, I did some
> refactoring to try to make show() behavior more understandable across
> backends, and easier to modify if necessary.  Specifically, we need to
> work with the ipython people to make sure the ipython 0.11 refactoring
> of interactive support works as intended.  I haven't done any testing
> with the development version of 0.11 yet.
> At present, all interactive backends start a blocking mainloop only if
> ipython has not attached a _needmain flag to show(), and if mpl is not
> in interactive mode.
> Under all script and ipython conditions, multiple calls to show in a
> session or script are permitted.
> All interactive backends behave the same when run with ipython -pylab,
> version 0.10: show is non-blocking, regardless of whether it is executed
> on the command line (completely unnecessary) or is found in a script.
> Under raw ipython (no -pylab or other threading flags provided), with
> mpl in non-interactive mode, all backends behave the same: show() is
> needed and blocks, but may be called multiple times.  With mpl in
> interactive mode, there are two categories: tkagg, fltkagg, gtk*, and
> qt4agg behave the same as in -pylab mode, so there so no longer any real
> need for the special threading modes; but wx* and qtagg do not behave in
> a useful way, so they still need the special threading.
> All of the above is based on quick tests with my own system, ubuntu
> 10.04.  I expect it will be the same for other supported systems, with
> the exception that behavior in raw ipython mode, with mpl in interactive
> mode, may not work with some earlier versions of gui toolkits--but I
> suspect we will not actually encounter this for supported versions.
> I have not built or tested anything under Windows or OS X.  For the
> latter, testing of the macosx backend is needed.  I expect cocoaagg to
> behave differently than the others, but no differently than it did
> before my changes.
> Eric

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