On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 10:30 AM, Andrew Straw <straw...@astraw.com> wrote:
> #1 and #2 seem reasonable to me.
> I don't like #3 -- for the same reasons as we want to separate the rest

I agree with Andrew here -- we don't want to hamstring our ability to
change the data just because some people would rather take a version
in place of the latest version.  If we have an rc option

  sampledata.fetch : False

then the sampledata function would only look in the sample data dir,
get the file if available, raise otherwise.  If fetch is True, it
would always go the web first and check for the latest, get it and
cache it.  Then the packagers could download the tarball, unpack it,
and not worry about mpl trying to check for a more recent version.


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