On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 6:35 PM, Darren Dale <dsdal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 6:07 PM, Eric Firing <efir...@hawaii.edu> wrote:
>> On 06/02/2011 11:48 AM, Darren Dale wrote:
>> [...]
>>> I had another look at the history after rereading Pauli's email. I'm
>>> going to try the following on a temporary v1.0.x-cleanup branch:
>>> * "git reset --hard 0e6dad5230"
>>> * redo pull request 103
>>> * cherry-pick the following commits off of the v1.0.x branch:
>>>    - 069c21d
>>>    - 53f8139e
>>>    - de18d9ab2
>>>    - 91e7d980
>>>    - 0cc213b4fa
>>>    - e7f1e83ace
>>>    - 5c968a0ecdd
>>> That should bring the v1.0.x-cleanup branch back to where we thought
>>> it would be. I'll post the result in my fork as soon as it is ready,
>>> and request comment. At that point, we should decide if we want to
>>> rename it v1.0.x and force push, or rename it v1.0.x-maint (or
>>> whatever) and delete the current v1.0.x branch.
>>> Pauli, Jouni, any comments?
>>> Darren
>> Darren,
>> That sounds very encouraging.  If it is successful, I think we should
>> use a different name and obliterate the current v1.0.x.  If I understand
>> correctly, doing a forced push instead would leave us open to having the
>> repair undone.  I don't see any advantage to it; but my git-ability is
>> not high.
> I just pushed a v1.0.x-cleanup branch to
> https://github.com/ddale/matplotlib . The next step would be to push
> it to v1.0.x-maint, and then merge v1.0.x-maint into master with
> --strategy=ours. At that point, I think we could delete the old v1.0.x
> branch, but I'd like to get a harrumph from another dev first.
>> Going forward, is there any good reason to retain all the old branches
>> (transforms, 0.91.x etc.)?
> I don't think we need the transforms branch. I kept it just for the
> sake of completeness during the svn->git migration.
>> Don't the release tags provide adequate
>> access to those branches?  My sense is that merging them into master was
>> not good from the standpoint of being able to read the graph and see
>> what is really derived from what; but I don't know exactly what can be
>> done about it.  They certainly clutter up the output of "git branch -a"
>> to no useful effect.
> There was actually a good reason for doing it this way. Each older
> maintenance branch was merged into the next newer one, and it was done
> with --strategy=ours (which basically means that any changes were
> ignored during the merge). We did this so that if someone applied a
> critical set of patches to an earlier maintenance branch, say 0.99.x,
> and wanted to merge it into v1.0.x, and then into master, it would be
> easy to do so without unintentionally pulling all of the other changes
> between 0.99.x and 1.0.x (for example) along with it.
>> Following along this line, does it perhaps make sense in the future to
>> use cherry-picking instead of merging for propagating bug fixes between
>> a maintenance or release branch and master?  My uneducated sense is that
>> it would leave a less confusing graph, and be less likely to result in
>> errors.
> I would prefer to continue merging. I think its just a matter of
> getting in the habit of inspecting the history graph. But that's just
> my opinion.
> Thanks by the way for the pointer to qgit, I think it is much nicer than gitk.

Actually, I feel fairly confident that this is a reasonable fix. I
just pushed v1.0.x-maint, I pushed v1.0.x to my personal clone as a
backup, and I deleted v1.0.x from the matplotlib repository.

Ben, would you please rebase your mplot3d/minor_errors branch onto the
new v1.0.x-maint branch?

I'll post an announcement on mpl-dev about the change in maintenance branch.


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