On 28 August 2012 16:01, Benjamin Root <ben.r...@ou.edu> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 9:58 AM, Benjamin Root <ben.r...@ou.edu> wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 9:47 AM, Nelle Varoquaux
>> <nelle.varoqu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I've just checked out the source code from github, and I ran the
>>> tests. Unfortunately, I get loads of errors (more than 1k), most of
>>> them such as the following:
>> Looks like you triggered a code-path that most of us haven't encountered.
>> The code in question checks for which version of numpy is installed and uses
>> the faster bincount if it is available and falls back to the older testing
>> code if it isn't available.  Unfortunately, the older code seems to have
>> been bastardized in the process.  This should defintely be fixed.
>> I might have a moment today to submit a PR for this.
>> Ben Root
> Heh, looks like it was a typo in line 305: change "ns" to "bins"

I have flake8 running automatically in my text editors, and I have a
bunch of warning. On the testing/compare.py files I've got:

compare.py|11| W402 'image_util' imported but unused
compare.py|16| W402 'math' imported but unused
compare.py|17| W402 'operator' imported but unused
compare.py|23| W402 'reduce' imported but unused
compare.py|305| W806 local variable 'ns' is assigned to but never used
compare.py|311| W802 undefined name 'bins'
compare.py|312| W802 undefined name 'bins'

and a bunch of pep8 warning. Are you guys interested in patches fixing
those ? It would then be easier to spot errors such as the previous


> Ben

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