On 9/10/2012 10:08 AM, Michael Droettboom wrote:
> On 09/10/2012 12:49 PM, Mark Lawrence wrote:
>> My offer to test on Windows still holds.  The question is test what?
>> Assuming that the intent is to support Python 2.6/7 and 3.1/2/3 then
>> different versions of Visual Studio are needed as detailed here
>> http://bugs.python.org/issue13210.  I can't see much sense in me trying
>> to build and test all that lot while other volunteers are doing exactly
>> the same thing at the same time.  Is there a cunning plan somewhere to
>> cover this that I've missed?
> The process is usually that the release is tagged in github, a tarball
> is created, and then various platform specialists create the binary
> releases.  For the last release Christoph Gohlke did the Windows builds,
> and I assume he is able to do that again this time. Perhaps it makes
> sense to coordinate with him to share some of that work?  Anything we
> can do to lessen the burden on any one person is always appreciated.
> Even leading up to the tagging of the release candidate, it's always
> helpful to build from github periodically and test on the platform and
> version of Python that's most important to you, and report back into the
> issue tracker any test failures or other glitches.
> Mike


sure, I can provide the Windows binaries and run tests. I have not tried 
recent master, but I am using a ~2 month old build on Python 3.2 and 3.3 
without any issues. As for Python 3.3, there were no problems building 
matplotlib with Visual Studio 2010, but there is no official numpy 
release supporting Python 3.3 yet. I also have a PIL fork that works on 
Python 3, which is good for testing.


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