On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 1:50 AM, Ian Thomas <ianthoma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think the code used to determine which triangle contains a certain point
> should be factored out into its own TriFinder class,

+1 -- this is a generally useful feature. In fact, it would be nice if
a lot of this were in a pacakge that deals with triangular meshes,
apart from MPL altogether (a scikit maybe?)

> I have a C++ TriFinder class
> that I could modify to work within matplotlib, and it is O(log N) so should
> be faster than your version for typical use cases.

What algorithm does this use? Is the code open source and/or availabel
for other projects?

I'm working on a package for working with unstructured grids in
general, and also have a use for "what triangle is this point in" code
for other purposes -- and I havne't found a fast, robust code for this

>> particularly as only a few days ago I committed to writing a triangular grid
>> interpolator for quad grids

what is a triangular interpolator for quad grids? sounds useful, too.



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