I'm well aware that we were scheduled to get a 1.4.0 release out in 
January.  Unfortunately, other work commitments and travel have kept me 
from matplotlib over recent weeks, and it doesn't look like it's going 
to get much better in the short term either.  If anyone wants to 
volunteer to take up the release manager role this time around, I, for 
one, would certainly be appreciative.  But if no one else is available, 
I'd be glad for any help "around the edges".

The time consuming part of making the release is triaging all of the 
pending bugs and pull requests.  It looks like we have 62 for 1.4.x and 
another 12 on 1.3.x at the moment.  Then ideally we make sure all 
important changes are in What's New.

Beyond that, the release is essentially mechanical and pretty well 
documented (though the new wrinkle this time around is uploading files 
to PyPI since pip is no longer trusting of files on SourceForge).


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