It's good to hear Stefan is working on circular colormaps as the hsv
colormap is way too saturated, ignoring any perceptual aspects. For this,
it might be possible to provide some sort of saturation parameter in a
function along the lines of the parameters in the cubehelix function? Also,
sympy/mpmath's cplot function allows you to modulate the
nominally-perceptually-flat hsv map with a value-related function, which
they take as the absolute value of the function, but ideally it would be
any function or array that could ideally be passed in as a parameter. I
have plotted images like this in the past, where I was plotting the phase
of a complex number field but only wanted to use the envelope of the
overall function to control the saturation so you could see the structure
near the singularities but the brightness would fall off in the outer parts
of the image.

Gary R

On 10 June 2015 at 09:17, Thomas Caswell <> wrote:

> Hey all,
> Today we had a phone call with myself, Eric Firing, Micheal
> Droettboom, Stéfan van der Walt, and Nathaniel Smith to discuss the path
> forward for the changes to the default color map / style.  The notes are
> below:
>  - re-order feature release/style change if needed
>    - can focus sprint effort at scipy on new features
>    - release order may be 2.0 -> 2.1 or 1.5 -> 2.0
>  - keep style change-only release plan
>  - start adding color maps as named maps on master
>  - color map
>    - D seems to be leader, maybe variation on theme
>    - stefan is working on circular color maps
>  - other style changes
>    - adopt most of seaborn as defaults ?
>    - start putting in style sheets as soon as possible
>    - may not be worth big drawn out decision, just change them
>    - line color cycle
>      - need to do something, maybe related to circular color maps
>      - use something from seaborn
>  - get time for style BoF at scipy
> Any feed back is welcome.
> Tom
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