
frac works for me:

yaxislabel=r'\sffamily water content $\left( 
\frac{\textsf{kg}}{\textsf{m}^{\textsf{\small 2}}}\right) $'


And you can also set
rc('text', usetex=False)
in your file to enable or disable tex

in my case I did the following:

tex_out=True # False
if tex_out:
     xaxislabel=r'time ($\sqrt{\textsf{s}}$)'
     yaxislabel=r'\sffamily water content $\left( 
\frac{\textsf{kg}}{\textsf{m}^{\textsf{\small 2}}}\right) $'
     rc('text', usetex=True)
     xaxislabel='time (s**0.5)'
     yaxislabel='water content (kg/m2)'
     rc('text', usetex=False)

It's perhaps not the mose elegant way to do, but I'm quite new to 


John Pye schrieb:
> Hi all
> I came across this page: http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/Matplotlib/UsingTex
> which mentions using LaTeX to generate labels on plots in Matplotlib.
> What I only discovered recently is that you don't need this 'usetext=1'
> thing in order to create captions on plots that include subscripts, etc.
> According to section 2.6.4 of the user's guide, you can just surround
> your text with $...$ to have it formatted as if it were latex. This is
> especially important if you're exporting SVG graphics (eg if you want to
> add more captioning/labelling using inkscape): the 'usetex' approach
> fails in that case.
> I wonder if someone with write access to the scipy wiki could maybe
> update the above page with some comments about the 'mathtext' support in
> Matplotlib? It might also be worth noting that the mathtext
> functionality doesn't support the \frac operator.
> Cheers
> JP

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