John Hunter wrote:
>>>>>>"Eric" == Eric Firing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Eric> they will not be transparent.  If you need transparent
>     Eric> masked regions, then try pcolor instead of imshow.  Pcolor
>     Eric> plots nothing at all in masked cells.  Pcolormesh, on the
>     Eric> other hand, is like imshow in plotting the assigned bad
>     Eric> color and in using a single alpha for everything.
> I'm confused about the comments about alpha not working on imshow --
> can you elaborate.  On the agg backend at least, the alpha channel is
> respected in imshow, eg examples/  Is there a reason
> it does not (or should not) work in the masked example?


I don't know why it doesn't work; I know only that in my example, it 
doesn't work as I perhaps naively think it should.  My interpretation of 
alpha is that if alpha is zero in any colored region, and if nothing 
else is drawn on top, then the background should show through; that is, 
the r,g,b values in the r,g,b,a tuple for a region should have no effect 
if a is zero.  If you uncomment
in my example, you will find that the masked region is white; and if you 
change the rgb part of that tuple, it takes on that color, regardless of 

The Colormap.__call__() is trying to respect the individual alphas of 
the special colors (bad, under, over) while setting a uniform alpha for 
the normal colors, but somewhere along the line this is not working as 
intended. I ran into this when I wrote the code for the special colors, 
and I left a comment to that effect, but apart from taking another look 
just now I have not tried to track it down.  The behavior is the same in 
imshow and in pcolormesh.  I tried to work around it by setting the 
default bad color to white.  The difference in pcolor is that it draws 
nothing at all in the masked region, so one sees the gray background.


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